Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Coalition Forces Continue to Dismantle Terrorist Networks
Source: Multi-National Force-Iraq
Title: Five terrorists killed, 22 suspects detained during operations targeting al-Qaeda
Date: September 25, 2007
Site: http://www.mnf-iraq.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=14235&Itemid=21(For complete story please visit site)
“We will continue to dismantle the terrorist networks that threaten the security of Iraq and our forces,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. “The people of Iraq have chosen their future; Iraqi and Coalition forces will ensure al-Qaeda in Iraq stays out of their way.”
Coalition forces have advanced in the war against terrorism, as recent updates reveal:
* On Tuesday, Coalition forces killed five terrorists and detained 22 suspected terrorists during missions targeting al Qaeda conducted in the central and northern parts of Iraq.
* South of Musayyib, Coalition forces targeted a building believed to be part of al Qaeda operations. Small arms fire erupted from the building. Coalition troops responded with additional fire and wounded a man. When detained, the identity of the man is believed to be an alleged associated of a senior leader involved in al Qaeda's car bombing network. The suspect is believed to have helped move al Qaeda leaders. The man did receive treatment for his wounds. Air support was called in as the attack continued, in which four more al Qaeda suspects were killed.
*Moving to another target location, Coalition forces again engaged in fire with alleged al Qaeda suspects who refused to comply with orders to come out. One suspect manuerved towards the troops and was killed in self-defense. Seven more suspects were detained.
*In an operation in southern Baghdad, Coalition forces captured four suspected terrorists including a man believed to be a close associate to the al Qaeda in Iraq emir of South Karkh.
*In central Iraq, Coalition forces carried out three operations targeting high ranking al Qaeda operatives. Five suspected terrorists were detained, two of the suspects are believed to be involved in attacks against Coalition troops.
*In Bayji (northern Iraq), Coalition troops captured three suspected terrorists in an operation to target an al Qaeda associate.
*In Mosul, Coalition forces targeted an associate of the emir of al Qaeda in northwestern Iraq and captured two suspected terrorists. One terrorist is believed to be an al Qaeda in Iraq cell leader, the other is suspected of moving al Qaeda leaders in and out of Iraq.
For more Press Releases from Multi-National Force Iraq, September 2007:
Rebuilding Afghanistan: "Stories from the Field"
Source: Government of Canada
Site: http://geo.international.gc.ca/cip-pic/afghanistan/library/stories-en.aspx
Description: Collection of personal stories and projects describing progress and reconstruction projects in Afghanistan.
Articles include "Back to School in Afghanistan!" about efforts to improve the education system in Afghanistan and offer more opportunities for women and girls (including the hiring of female teachers). The article states that: According to the Ministry of Education, over six million children, nearly 35% of them girls, will be enrolled in school in 2007/08, compared to a little more than a million students five years ago and very few girls. Furthermore, the number of teachers in the education system has grown seven-fold.
Another article titled "CIVPOL Diary: Grand Opening of New Afghan Police Station in Kandahar" describes the opening of a new police station in Kandahar, and plans to build nine more, "The design chosen is something akin to a French Fort in the Arabian Desert; high concrete walls, guard towers, barded wire, and steel reinforced gates..."This page includes several articles and is very informative.
Site: http://geo.international.gc.ca/cip-pic/afghanistan/library/stories-en.aspx
Description: Collection of personal stories and projects describing progress and reconstruction projects in Afghanistan.
Articles include "Back to School in Afghanistan!" about efforts to improve the education system in Afghanistan and offer more opportunities for women and girls (including the hiring of female teachers). The article states that: According to the Ministry of Education, over six million children, nearly 35% of them girls, will be enrolled in school in 2007/08, compared to a little more than a million students five years ago and very few girls. Furthermore, the number of teachers in the education system has grown seven-fold.
Another article titled "CIVPOL Diary: Grand Opening of New Afghan Police Station in Kandahar" describes the opening of a new police station in Kandahar, and plans to build nine more, "The design chosen is something akin to a French Fort in the Arabian Desert; high concrete walls, guard towers, barded wire, and steel reinforced gates..."This page includes several articles and is very informative.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Remembering September 11th: The Sixth Anniversary
"On Patriot Day, we pray for those who died and for their families. We volunteer to help others and demonstrate the continuing compassion of our citizens. On this solemn occasion, we rededicate ourselves to laying the foundation of peace with confidence in our mission and our free way of life.
By a joint resolution approved December 18, 2001 (Public Law 107-89), the Congress has designated September 11 of each year as "Patriot Day."
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2007, as Patriot Day. I call upon the Governors of the United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as well as appropriate officials of all units of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff on Patriot Day. I also call upon the people of the United States to observe Patriot Day with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and remembrance services, to display the flag at half-staff from their homes on that day, and to observe a moment of silence beginning at 8:46 a.m. eastern daylight time to honor the innocent Americans and people from around the world who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001." President Bush, Patriot Day Proclamation. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/09/20070904-6.html
Title: United States Army Patriot Day 2007
Site: http://www.army.mil/patriotday/2007/
Includes: Videos. Photographs, News and Tributes
Title: "September 11 Anniversary Marked Overseas". Wral.com News.
Site: http://www.wral.com/news/national_world/world/story/1800310/
President Hamid Karzai thanked the international community for helping to "return Afghanistan to the people of Afghanistan".
In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters that he supports the Japanese navy in providing fuel for Coalition ships in the Indian Ocean, "The international community is united in its fight against terrorism, and it is imperative that Japan continue its contributions,"
At the U.S. air base near Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, servicemen and women laid flowers at a memorial stone dedicated to Peter Ganci, the New York fire chief who died while rescuing people after the September 11 attacks. The base supports U.S.-led operations in Afghanistan.
(For more observations of September 11th, please view the above link)
Title: "Harper vows continued support for Afghanistan." Reuters Canada.
Site: http://ca.today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=topNews&storyID=2007-09-11T060938Z_01_SYD96466_RTRIDST_0_NEWS-AUSTRALIA-HARPER-COL.XML
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave a speech to Australia's parliament,"This cause is global and necessary. As 9/11 showed, if we abandon our fellow human beings to lives of poverty, brutality and ignorance in today's global village, their misery will eventually and inevitably become our own."
Harper said that he hoped Canada would committ troops to Afghanistan until the Afghan forces were able to regain stability, and be able to secure their country.
Title: " US soldiers in Afghanistan pause to remember 9-11 attacks." Newsday.com
Site: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny--afghan-sept11anni0911sep11,0,7581546.story
At a US base in Kabul, soldiers remembered 9-11 in silence, lowering the flag to half-staff.
Maj. Gen. Robert Cone told some 100 soldiers, "We are here now six years later, not as a conquering force, not as an invader seeking to vanquish the Afghans, but rather to do what is right _ to seek out and destroy our common enemy," Cone said. "As allies, we will train and equip the Afghans. We will help them to provide for their people because we are Americans."
Title: Raising Our Kids: Patriot's Day
Site: http://www.raisingourkids.com/hol/patriot.shtml
Includes: Explanations for Kids on September 11th/Patriot's Day, Coloring Pages, Activities, Links, Tips on How to Help Children Cope
Friday, July 20, 2007
Alleged Al Qaeda Leader Behind Bars
July 13, 2007:
U.S. Special Forces and Iraqi Security Forces were successful in detaining an alleged high level al Qaeda leader at the Baghdad International Airport. The alleged leader was detained without a struggle and is currently being held for question. The alleged leader is believe to have commanded attacks against Coalition forces, distributed mortars, and ordered attacks. He has operated in the Karh district of Baghdad, along with Mahmudiyah and the Arab Jabour districts. No injuries of Iraqi Security or Coalition forces were reported during his capture.
U.S. Special Forces apprehend high-level Al-Qaeda cell leader. Multi-National Corps –Iraq, Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory.
U.S. Special Forces and Iraqi Security Forces were successful in detaining an alleged high level al Qaeda leader at the Baghdad International Airport. The alleged leader was detained without a struggle and is currently being held for question. The alleged leader is believe to have commanded attacks against Coalition forces, distributed mortars, and ordered attacks. He has operated in the Karh district of Baghdad, along with Mahmudiyah and the Arab Jabour districts. No injuries of Iraqi Security or Coalition forces were reported during his capture.
U.S. Special Forces apprehend high-level Al-Qaeda cell leader. Multi-National Corps –Iraq, Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory.
Historic Peace Agreement Signed between Tribes
By signing the peace agreement, the tribes agreed to “swear by God and his holy book Koran that we will unite in fighting terrorism in our areas.”
The strength of the tribes comes from the sheiks’ courage,” --Col. David W. Sutherland, commander, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division.
July 13, 2007:
Key leaders from the Ubaidi and Anbakia tribes met at the at the Baqouba Government Center to sign a peace agreement which will end the long conflicts between them and secure an alliance. Both the Ubaidi and Anbakia also agreed to unite against al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, in order to restore peace.
"Key promises of the agreement include ending tribal infighting and kidnappings; providing names of tribal members operating against the people; fighting al-Qaida within Diyala; cooperating and working with the Iraqi Security Forces to assist in discovering improvised explosive devices and locating corrupt individuals within the government and security forces; honoring the law; solving agricultural disputes within tribes and assist in returning displaced families to their homes."
After signing the agreement, tribal leaders placed their hand on the Holy Koran to show their respect and committment to the agreement.
Ubaidi, Anbakia tribes sign peace agreement in Diyala. July 12, 2007. Multi-National Corps – Iraq, Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory.
Highlights of Progress in Anbar (Iraq)
Where is al Anbar?
Al Anbar is a province of Iraq, whose name means "granaries". It's capital is Ar Ramadi, Fallujah and amadi are other well known cities in Anbar. Anbar shares borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The majority of citizens are Sunni.
Highlights of Progress in Anbar:
"Al Qaeda is still active in Iraq. Its home base is Anbar Province. Al Qaeda has helped make Anbar the most violent area of Iraq outside the capital. A captured al Qaeda document describes the terrorists' plan to infiltrate and seize control of the province. This would bring al Qaeda closer to its goals of taking down Iraq's democracy, building a radical Islamic empire, and launching new attacks on the United States at home and abroad. Our military forces in Anbar are killing and capturing al Qaeda leaders, and they are protecting the local population. Recently, local tribal leaders have begun to show their willingness to take on al Qaeda. And as a result, our commanders believe we have an opportunity to deal a serious blow to the terrorists..." --President Bush, Address to the Nation, January 10, 2007.http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/01/20070110-7.html
August 2006: The "Anbar Awakening: is formed of 30 allied Sunni tribes who pledge to fight al Qaeda by working alongside US troops and the Iraqi police. Sunni sheiks hope to make the "Anbar Awakening" a national party.The "Anbar Awakening" hopes to restore peace to Iraq, and build better lives for its people.
May 15, 2007:
"We clearly see that the Iraqi citizens have grown tired of what the insurgency has to offer; they do not want any part of it," --Marine Brig. Gen. Charles M. Gurganus, ground forces commander for Multinational Force West (Gerry J. Gilmore, American Forces Press Service).
CNN reports that al Qaeda is on the verge of collapse in Anbar. Life in Anbar remains uncertain but progess is steady, as Iraqis and Coalition troops unite to defeat al Qaeda. In Ramadi, 22 security stations have been formed to quell al Qaeda and provide scurity. Recruitment for the Iraqi security forces increases as Iraqis are demanding that al Qaeda be removed.
CNN: al-Qaeda On Verge Of Collapse In al-Anbar Province, May 15, 2007
Anbar Province Still Dangerous But Getting Better, Marine Commander Says
By Gerry J. Gilmore, American Forces Press Service
May 15, 2007.
Coalition Forces Overpower al Qaeda
June 30-July 1, 2007:
"Al Qaeda suicide attacks against infrastructure or Iraqi police is a set back for AQI not Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces." -- Major Pool (the Fourth Rail)
US Army forces allied with the Iraqi police to serve a can of whoop ass to al Qaeda in Ramadi and Jazzera al Humar (Donkey Island), 3 miles south of Ramadi. The battle began at 9:20 pm on June 30th when al Qaeda forces began to stage attacks, including bombings and suicide attacks, against Coalition forces in an attempt to regain control of Anbar. Soldiers returned fire and were aided with Apache helicopter gun ships and fighter jets. A total of five raids as conducted by Coaliton forces, which resulted in destroying several al Qaeda bunkers and attack positions. The insurgents fought back with sucide vests, homemade explosives and small arms fire. Coalition forces defeated the insurgents on July 1, killing 23 and taking 2 as prisoner.
The Fourth Rail (includes journal of the raid): http://billroggio.com/archives/2007/07/coalition_forces_rou.php
Multi-National Corps – Iraq
July 2007:
"Catholics, Muslims, Sunnis and Shiites act as one, work as one to rid the country of terror and fear.” --Lt. Col. Salah Arak al Alwani, the al Jameah police station commander.
The "Promise of the People" conference was held on July 7 in Ramadi in which 400 local leaders and professions gathered to form an alliance to pledge loyalty to Iraqi security forces in a battle against al Qaeda. The danger and continued attacks presented by al Qaeda did not stop the conference nor the determination of the people of Anbar. Shiite and Sunni leaders also were present, some travelling from distant provinces including Baghdad, Salahuddin and Karbala.The "Promise of the People" conference was planned by the Alwani Tribe of Ramadi to both offer unity against al Qaeda and to strengthen community ties. Many more councils were formed as a reult of the conference. In many respects, the conference was festive and hopeful.
Sources:Anbar leaders celebrate awakening. July 15, 2007. By Spc. Ricardo Branch and Lance Cpl. Joseph D. Day. 7th Marines Public Affairs.
This link offers additionalpictures: http://www.marines.mil/marinelink/mcn2000.nsf/ad983156332a819185256cb600677af3/db1df623b9b415308525731400553c58?OpenDocument
US Army & Iraqis Celebrate Victory over al Qaeda in Anbar Province
See the Video, and Enbed on your blog: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=74e_1184266513
July 15, 2007:
Operation Mawtini is launched to create a strong troop presence in Anbar in order to restore peace and stop insurgent activity. Over 9,000 U.S Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Iraqi Army will be stationed along the Euphrates River Valley, in various urban areas.
Marines launch Operation Mawtini in western Al Anbar.
Multi-National Corps – Iraq
Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory
An Interesting Blog:
Desert Flier : Life and death in the Anbar Province through the eyes of a flight/trauma nurse
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Afghan Gov. & Coalition Forces Provide Flood Relief
Title: Afghan Government, Coalition Aid Flood Victims
Author: Combined Press Information Center Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan
Date: April 3, 2007
Spring came with floods in Afghanistan. Rain and melting snow caused creeks and rivers to rise at rapid levels, stranding more than 200 Afghans--many who were without food, dry clothing or shelter. The Laghman provincial government, Afghan National Security Forces and Coalition partners responded in relief efforts by providing needed food and supplies. Some flood victims were also evacuated by helicopter. Coalition leaders applauded the rapid response and rescue efforts made by the Afghan government in response to the flooding.
Army Lt. Col. Steven Gilbert, the commander of Task Force Iron Gray also commented, "As Coalition forces are here to help the people of Afghanistan we did everything in our power to render assistance when Governor Mangal called. I am very pleased with evacuating the flood victims and to arrange for the helicopters to assist in the rescue of so many citizens of Laghman. My soldiers felt very good about the opportunity to deliver food, blankets and clothing in such a time of need.” (Defend America)
Friday, March 09, 2007
Reconstruction Improves life in Basra, Iraq
Site: Soldier: Magazine of the British Army
Address: http://www.soldiermagazine.co.uk/mag/update2.htm
Date: March 2007
Title: Browne: 'Basra a better place'
Summary: British Defense Secretary Des Browne applauds British troops for their crucial role in the reconstruction effort in Iraq, and notes positive improvements.
Browne: ‘Basra a better place’
DEFENCE Secretary Des Browne has commended British troops for their commitment to leaving Iraq a better place after being shown the fruits of a key reconstruction effort.
During his whistle-stop tour of southern Iraq to meet soldiers from 19 Light Brigade, he was given an insight into Op Sinbad – the joint effort between Multi-National Forces and the Iraqi Army to renovate large areas of the city.
Mr Browne said: “Every time I visit Iraq, and this is the fourth time I have been here, I am struck by the progress the Iraqi government is making. In Basra, I have met many of our own brave and dedicated people. I am pleased with the early assessments of Op Sinbad and the positive effects it has had.”
Day-by-day responsibility for Sinbad, which has so far seen more than £30 million worth of investment, has now been handed over to the Iraqi authorities.
Projects undertaken include the laying of new water pipes, improvements to the electricity supply infrastructure and the planting of 70,000 date palms.
Address: http://www.soldiermagazine.co.uk/mag/update2.htm
Date: March 2007
Title: Browne: 'Basra a better place'
Summary: British Defense Secretary Des Browne applauds British troops for their crucial role in the reconstruction effort in Iraq, and notes positive improvements.
Browne: ‘Basra a better place’
DEFENCE Secretary Des Browne has commended British troops for their commitment to leaving Iraq a better place after being shown the fruits of a key reconstruction effort.
During his whistle-stop tour of southern Iraq to meet soldiers from 19 Light Brigade, he was given an insight into Op Sinbad – the joint effort between Multi-National Forces and the Iraqi Army to renovate large areas of the city.
Mr Browne said: “Every time I visit Iraq, and this is the fourth time I have been here, I am struck by the progress the Iraqi government is making. In Basra, I have met many of our own brave and dedicated people. I am pleased with the early assessments of Op Sinbad and the positive effects it has had.”
Day-by-day responsibility for Sinbad, which has so far seen more than £30 million worth of investment, has now been handed over to the Iraqi authorities.
Projects undertaken include the laying of new water pipes, improvements to the electricity supply infrastructure and the planting of 70,000 date palms.
Postive Accomplishments from the Mid East, March 2007
Army.Mil/News Middle East-March 2007
"Americans should hear of the current 989 projects where we are advancing and enhancing the lives of the Iraqi people. Americans should see the photos of Iraqis being educated in clean, safe learning environments or playing in newly built youth centers. Americans should see in the infants being cared for in modern medical facilities that previously did not exist." -- Brig. Gen. Michael J. Walsh, commander of the Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division, Baghdad (Jim Garamone, 3/1/07, Army.Mil/News).
Title- Battle Buddies: Sargeant Major, Iraqi General's Son Share Special BondBy- Sgt Mike Pryor
Date- March 7, 2007
Address- http://www.army.mil/-news/2007/03/07/2138-battle-buddies-sergeant-major-iraqi-generals-son-share-special-bond/
Summary- Sgt. Maj. Manuel Daponte of Westport, MA made a special friend in Baghdad when he met four year old son of an Iraqi general, Mutada Ali, "Daponte insists that the time he spends with Mutada reminds him what he is fighting for..."
Sgt. Maj. Daponte works closely with Mustada Ali's father, Police Commander Brig. Gen. Ali Ibrahim Daboun, in training and advising the Iraqi Army.
Title- Soldiers Provide Supplies for Women's Day
By- Sgt Matt Lichtenberg
Date- March 8, 2007
Address- http://www.army.mil/-news/2007/03/08/2177-soldiers-provide-supplies-for-womens-day/
Summary- The Bagram Provincial Reconstruction Team of Afghanistan, which includes US soldiers, visited the Kapisa Province deliver supplies to the Department for Women's Affairs. Soldiers provided food, blankets, toiletries and other necessities to give to the women on March 8 during a celebration honoring Women's Day. The Kapisa teams makes monthly deliveries of supplies throughout the province. The response to the aid has been well received, Army Sgt. Jeremy Hancock, stationed in Bagram comments that, "The biggest thing is the government and the people are more willing to work with us because of our help. "The locals are more permissive to Coalition forces, and they're also more loyal to their government..."
Title- Most Reconstruction Progress in Iraq OnTrack, Says General
By- Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service
Date- March 1, 2007
Address: http://www.army.mil/-news/2007/03/01/2055-most-reconstruction-progress-in-iraq-on-track-says-general/
Summary- During a news conference, Brig. Gen. Michael J. Walsh, commander of the Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division, in Baghdad commended US troops for their accomplishments in assisting IRaq during reconstruction. Many of the services being provided to the people of Iraq, have never been introduced to the country before, "On any given day the Gulf Region Division is working on approximately 1,100 projects across the country, Walsh said..."Brig. Gen Walsh also said that Americans should hear about the successes in Iraq including improving and advancing electrical service in Iraq, building 10,045 schools and successfully completing more than 3,000 projects which have offered a better life for the people of Iraq.
Other articles for March 2007 include updates on a military project to increase armor on Humvees to offer better protection for soldiers.
Deployment of three soldiers who share their story of forming a close bond, and working together to help the people of Afghanistan.
News Categories Include: Top Stories, Technology, Health, Outreach and much more...
"Americans should hear of the current 989 projects where we are advancing and enhancing the lives of the Iraqi people. Americans should see the photos of Iraqis being educated in clean, safe learning environments or playing in newly built youth centers. Americans should see in the infants being cared for in modern medical facilities that previously did not exist." -- Brig. Gen. Michael J. Walsh, commander of the Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division, Baghdad (Jim Garamone, 3/1/07, Army.Mil/News).
Title- Battle Buddies: Sargeant Major, Iraqi General's Son Share Special BondBy- Sgt Mike Pryor
Date- March 7, 2007
Address- http://www.army.mil/-news/2007/03/07/2138-battle-buddies-sergeant-major-iraqi-generals-son-share-special-bond/
Summary- Sgt. Maj. Manuel Daponte of Westport, MA made a special friend in Baghdad when he met four year old son of an Iraqi general, Mutada Ali, "Daponte insists that the time he spends with Mutada reminds him what he is fighting for..."
Sgt. Maj. Daponte works closely with Mustada Ali's father, Police Commander Brig. Gen. Ali Ibrahim Daboun, in training and advising the Iraqi Army.
Title- Soldiers Provide Supplies for Women's Day
By- Sgt Matt Lichtenberg
Date- March 8, 2007
Address- http://www.army.mil/-news/2007/03/08/2177-soldiers-provide-supplies-for-womens-day/
Summary- The Bagram Provincial Reconstruction Team of Afghanistan, which includes US soldiers, visited the Kapisa Province deliver supplies to the Department for Women's Affairs. Soldiers provided food, blankets, toiletries and other necessities to give to the women on March 8 during a celebration honoring Women's Day. The Kapisa teams makes monthly deliveries of supplies throughout the province. The response to the aid has been well received, Army Sgt. Jeremy Hancock, stationed in Bagram comments that, "The biggest thing is the government and the people are more willing to work with us because of our help. "The locals are more permissive to Coalition forces, and they're also more loyal to their government..."
Title- Most Reconstruction Progress in Iraq OnTrack, Says General
By- Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service
Date- March 1, 2007
Address: http://www.army.mil/-news/2007/03/01/2055-most-reconstruction-progress-in-iraq-on-track-says-general/
Summary- During a news conference, Brig. Gen. Michael J. Walsh, commander of the Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division, in Baghdad commended US troops for their accomplishments in assisting IRaq during reconstruction. Many of the services being provided to the people of Iraq, have never been introduced to the country before, "On any given day the Gulf Region Division is working on approximately 1,100 projects across the country, Walsh said..."Brig. Gen Walsh also said that Americans should hear about the successes in Iraq including improving and advancing electrical service in Iraq, building 10,045 schools and successfully completing more than 3,000 projects which have offered a better life for the people of Iraq.
Other articles for March 2007 include updates on a military project to increase armor on Humvees to offer better protection for soldiers.
Deployment of three soldiers who share their story of forming a close bond, and working together to help the people of Afghanistan.
News Categories Include: Top Stories, Technology, Health, Outreach and much more...
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Royal Navy Operations in Afghanistan
Operations in Afghanistan: Royal Navy web page includes a photo gallery, operations diaries, and news and events. The "News and Operations" section also includes tributes to soldiers killed in Afghanistan.
The Mission of UK and Coalition Forces in Afghanistan (taken from the Royal Navy site): British Forces are deployed in Afghanistan support of a UN-authorised, NATO-led mission, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), and as part of the US-led international coalition. Our mission is to help the Afghans rebuild their country and to keep the terrorists out. It is a tough mission, against difficult opponents: but it is a clear and essential one.
Link: http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/server/show/nav.00h00200p/targetBlock/7369/viewPage/1
Articles in News and Operations span November 2006 to the present.
Some Accomplishments from the Royal Navy reported in News and Operations include:
Title: Afghan Artillery Supports ISAF for First Time in Attack on Insurgent Southern Gateway
© Crown Copyright 2006. All rights reserved
Web Address: http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/server/show/ConWebDoc.8154
Date: Feb 2007
On Feb. 17, 2007 more than 250 troops from within UK Task Force were supported, for the first time, by UK-trained Afghan artillery in an attack against Taliban bases in in southern Helmand. The attack, known as Operation Glacier, targeted three large compounds around Garmsir, known to be key insurgent strongholds. An underground tunnel complex and an extensive trench that included firing points and cover positions were also destroyed by UK Task Force and Afghan National Army during Operation Glacier. Lieutenant Colonel Rob MaGowan commented on Operation Glacier, “The operation was a great success, we achieved our objective of destroying and clearing Taliban compounds whilst pushing enemy forces further south from the district centre.”
Title: Marines Push Taliban Away From Key Dam
Web Address: http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/server/show/ConWebDoc.7944
© Crown Copyright 2006. All rights reserved
Date: Feb. 2007
During Operation Volcano, Royal Marines cleared 25 bases in northern Helmand known for being key fortifications in insurgent attacks. Once the bases have been cleared, a safe zone will be created around the Kajaki Hydro-Electric Dam to restore the dam to its full power; which would provide electricity to 1.8 million people in Afghanistan. Operation Volcano was successful. Capt Forshaw reports that Operation Volcano, "The operation went very well, as planned and with no casualties on our side. We have denied the enemy future use of the area and also destroyed a number of their bunker and trench systems and gathered valuable intelligence for future operations.” The Royal Marines have completed their mission, and will retirn to Forward Operating Base Kajaki to await further tasking. Many villagers in the safe zones have returned to their homes.
Title: Marines Seize Taleban Weapons in Helmand
Web Address: http://www.royal-navy.mod.uk/server/show/ConWebDoc.7710
© Crown Copyright 2006. All rights reserved
Date: Jan. 2007
Members of J Company, 42 Commando joined forces with the Estonian Forces and Afghan National Army to patrol the town of Gereshk, in an area known to be significant for Taliban activity. On the morning of January 10, the troops were attacked by Taliban forces. The ensuing battle continued for almost 5 hours, at the end of the fight the Commando forces seized a large Taliban compound stocked with a large weapons cache that included two AK-47, 7 grenades, 1 RPG, 12 magazines of ammunition and bomb-making equipment. The Commandos also destroyed key mortar firing points that the Taliban used in attacks. The patrols by troops is important in regaining control of the Helmand Province and restoring peace, a buffer zone is being created that will include Permanent Vehicle Check Points, "Maj Murchison said the operation was conducted in conjunction with local elders following a Shura. Elders have estimated that the establishment of PVCPs could reduce Taleban numbers by up to 80 per cent in the area."
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Army Corp Travelouge: Kurdistan
Address: http://www.hq.usace.army.mil/CEPA/PUBS/mar06/story8.htm
Engineer Update
Corps and partners work with proud people in northern Iraq
by Tom Clarkson, Gulf Region Division
A travelouge of Tom Clarkson flying out of Baghdad in March 2006 to Kurdistan to visit the US Army Corps of Engineers project sites in Kurdistan. The Army Corps assisted in reconstruction projects such as:
Public health clinics and hospitals
Water and wells
Electrical distribution and transmission
Projects to support restoring Iraq oil production
Security and justice projects (
Projects to restore Northern Iraq’s transportation and communication network
Military construction to support U.S. bases in the north
Clarkson also met Mosa Ali Bakir, who heads the Dahuk Governorate of In-country Displaced Persons and Refugees. Bakir offered words of gratitude, "I want to express my thanks to all of the United States – from the President to the most simple person – for the brave and historical decision for moving the Saddam regime from power. We highly respect those who left their countries and families for our freedom. They will stay bright names in the brains of all generations."
Engineer Update
Corps and partners work with proud people in northern Iraq
by Tom Clarkson, Gulf Region Division
A travelouge of Tom Clarkson flying out of Baghdad in March 2006 to Kurdistan to visit the US Army Corps of Engineers project sites in Kurdistan. The Army Corps assisted in reconstruction projects such as:
Public health clinics and hospitals
Water and wells
Electrical distribution and transmission
Projects to support restoring Iraq oil production
Security and justice projects (
Projects to restore Northern Iraq’s transportation and communication network
Military construction to support U.S. bases in the north
Clarkson also met Mosa Ali Bakir, who heads the Dahuk Governorate of In-country Displaced Persons and Refugees. Bakir offered words of gratitude, "I want to express my thanks to all of the United States – from the President to the most simple person – for the brave and historical decision for moving the Saddam regime from power. We highly respect those who left their countries and families for our freedom. They will stay bright names in the brains of all generations."
Monday, January 29, 2007
Reillon S. Clark-Awarded Medal in Afghanistan
Soldier Awarded Medal in Afghanistan, January 18, 2007. Sally Browning.
Fluvanna Review Online.
Rellion S. Clark, a member of the U.S. Army’s military police and stationed in Afghanistan was awarded the Army Achievement Medal for his assistance and bravery in the evacuation and recovery of a convoy after a riot in Kabul. The riot started after a US military truck lost control of its brakes and ran into a crowd of pedestrians, it was known as the worst day of rioting since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. Clark was awarded for, "'His ability to stay cool under pressure, perform great restraint in weapon control and his ability to complete the mission is reflective of the true value of today’s Military Police Corps,' wrote Special Agent William Delaney, who nominated him for the medal." (Fluvanna Review 1/18/07).
Fluvanna Review Online.
Rellion S. Clark, a member of the U.S. Army’s military police and stationed in Afghanistan was awarded the Army Achievement Medal for his assistance and bravery in the evacuation and recovery of a convoy after a riot in Kabul. The riot started after a US military truck lost control of its brakes and ran into a crowd of pedestrians, it was known as the worst day of rioting since the fall of the Taliban in 2001. Clark was awarded for, "'His ability to stay cool under pressure, perform great restraint in weapon control and his ability to complete the mission is reflective of the true value of today’s Military Police Corps,' wrote Special Agent William Delaney, who nominated him for the medal." (Fluvanna Review 1/18/07).
Monday, January 15, 2007
US Troops in Rushdi Mullah Help Children
U.S. Troops in Rushdi Mullah Help Local Children - DefendAmerica News Article
Author: U.S. Army Capt. Chris Sanchez, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment
January 4, 2007:
US Soldiers stationed in Rushdi Mullah, Iraq are locally known for acts of kindness such as giving medical treatment to a young boy who had been shot by terrorists and gathering donations of toys and supplies for local children. As a result villagers feel a kinship with the soldiers and have assisted soldiers by providing information on terrorist activities.
For Thought:
"May we learn to give ourselves with both hands,
to lift each other on our shoulders,
to carry one another along." -- Dawna Markova
On a Personal Note:
I applaud the efforts of US and Coalition soldiers in their humanitarian efforts, to which provides a shining example of how individual efforts can make a positive difference in the life of another. When your intention is compassion, charity and love--there are no differences, the very act of giving is a language spoken of the heart. A language with no barriers.
Author: U.S. Army Capt. Chris Sanchez, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment
January 4, 2007:
US Soldiers stationed in Rushdi Mullah, Iraq are locally known for acts of kindness such as giving medical treatment to a young boy who had been shot by terrorists and gathering donations of toys and supplies for local children. As a result villagers feel a kinship with the soldiers and have assisted soldiers by providing information on terrorist activities.
For Thought:
"May we learn to give ourselves with both hands,
to lift each other on our shoulders,
to carry one another along." -- Dawna Markova
On a Personal Note:
I applaud the efforts of US and Coalition soldiers in their humanitarian efforts, to which provides a shining example of how individual efforts can make a positive difference in the life of another. When your intention is compassion, charity and love--there are no differences, the very act of giving is a language spoken of the heart. A language with no barriers.
Army Vets Care For Livestock in Iraq
Multi-National Force - Iraq - Army vets help Iraqi animals
Author: Spc. Chris McCann, 2nd BCT, 10th Mtn. Div
January 4, 2007:
The Multi-National Division Baghdad veterinarian, Lt. Col. Neil Ahle has been working closely with US soldiers and Iraqi farmers to care for sick animals and provide needed vaccinations. Animals are important to the economy of Iraq because they provide a means for farmers to remain self-sufficient and support the growth of the economy as a whole. The lack of infastructure (including electricity needed to refridgerate certain medications), safety concerns due to insurgent attacks, and poverty has made it difficult for many Iraqi farmers to seek treatment for their livestocks. On December 22, Lt. Col. Ahle worked at the schoolyard of Al-Taraq school to provide free medical care for livestock.
For Thought:
"Therefore let those who bring about wonderful things
in their big, dark books
take an animal to help them.
The life within the animal
will give them strenth in turn.
For equality gives strength
in all things, in all times." -- Meister Eckhart
Author: Spc. Chris McCann, 2nd BCT, 10th Mtn. Div
January 4, 2007:
The Multi-National Division Baghdad veterinarian, Lt. Col. Neil Ahle has been working closely with US soldiers and Iraqi farmers to care for sick animals and provide needed vaccinations. Animals are important to the economy of Iraq because they provide a means for farmers to remain self-sufficient and support the growth of the economy as a whole. The lack of infastructure (including electricity needed to refridgerate certain medications), safety concerns due to insurgent attacks, and poverty has made it difficult for many Iraqi farmers to seek treatment for their livestocks. On December 22, Lt. Col. Ahle worked at the schoolyard of Al-Taraq school to provide free medical care for livestock.
For Thought:
"Therefore let those who bring about wonderful things
in their big, dark books
take an animal to help them.
The life within the animal
will give them strenth in turn.
For equality gives strength
in all things, in all times." -- Meister Eckhart
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Wake up America: Our Soldiers Speak- Good News From Iraq Part #8
Wake up America: Our Soldiers Speak- Good News From Iraq Part #8
About: Part #8 of "Wake Up America" is a collection of articles and stories from November 2006 about good news from Iraq including dismantling terrorist networks, destroying an explosive factory, and links to other posts of accomplishments from the front.
For Thought:
Put seeds and cover them.
Blades will sprout
where you do your work.
~ Rumi
About: Part #8 of "Wake Up America" is a collection of articles and stories from November 2006 about good news from Iraq including dismantling terrorist networks, destroying an explosive factory, and links to other posts of accomplishments from the front.
For Thought:
Put seeds and cover them.
Blades will sprout
where you do your work.
~ Rumi
Helping Iraq's Schools: Links and Information
Helping Iraqi Schools
About: Here you will find images, letters and updates about the conditions in the schools there and how efforts to help are working. You will also find up-to-date information on how to prepare and ship school supplies.
Iraqi Schools.com is a volunteer effort of citizens, based in St. Paul Minnesota, assisting soldiers in donating and distrubuting school supplies to the children of Iraq. The website includes pictures of the donations in Iraq, how to help, letters from Iraq and information on Iraqi Schools.
For Additional Information:
USAID: Assistance for Iraq - Education
Information, articles and accomplishments of USAID and the Department of Education to improve access to education for the people of Iraq. Some noted accomplishments include:
* More than 8.7 million math and science textbooks have been edited, printed, and distributed throughout Iraq.
* 55,000 teachers and administrators have been trained. By the end of the 2005-06 school year more than 120,000 educators will have received in-service training supported by USAID since 2004.
* 2,962 schools have been rehabilitated in full or in part since 2003.
October 2006:
Multi-National Force - Iraq - Soldiers providing power for schools
Local schools in the Karkh district of Baghdad receuved electric generators and other helpful supplies from Multi-National Division Soldiers, as part of a joint effort with Iraqi council members and police, who helped distribute the supplies. 75 generators were delivered to the district's educational headquaters, bringing electricity for use in 60 schools. Coalition Forces have also helped with other humanitarian missions to schools as well as repairing, and rebuilding schools destroyed in insurgent attacks.
February 2005:
Task Force Danger Soldiers help rebuild Balad schools
Task Force Danger soldiers in Paliwoda, Iraq have assisted in building four new schools and breaking ground on eight more schools. They have also helped in the distribution of school supplies. In addition, the construction and repair of schools has improved the local economy by offering jobs.
"The American troops are working with the Iraqi people to rebuild for the future of Iraq. They’re building a future that will perhaps help the future government of Iraq.", 1st Lt. Martin Rafter, 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment Rafter. (Story by Pfc. Adam N. Phelps, 22nd MPAD)
May 14, 2005:
Soldiers construct seven schools
A joint effort of the Iraqi Ministry of Education and US Forces constructed seven new schools in southern Iraq.
"Any time you open up a school, you are putting the needs of the children up front, because it is about them and giving them a great place and a great opportunity to learn and grow and do great things for their country." Army Maj. Brian Stevens, a civil affairs officer of the 56th Brigade Combat Team. (Story by Portal Iraq)
August 2005:
Defense Department provides update on Iraq reconstruction progress
More than 1,800 schools have been repaired, and are ready for Iraqi school children to attend. In addition 43 schools have been apporved for funds for rennovation or repair including sanitary faciltities, electrical wiring, structural repair and mechanical repairs. Children have also receieved medical screenings in preparation for school.
October 18, 2003:
U.S. Bringing Education Back to Iraq
A speech by President Bush highlighting the advances of US Forces in restoring the educational system of Iraq. Under the rule of Saddam Hussein, the illiteracy rate in Iraq was an an estimated 61% for adult males and 77% for adult females, many teachers were unpaid and schools closed. Many schools that remain opened lacked educational materials (which was strictly censored) as well as structural needs such as windows, plumbing and electricity. President Bush makes a committment to the people of Iraq to support the advancement of their education as well as delivering needed vaccinations to students. Other accomplishments are noted in this speech.
About: Here you will find images, letters and updates about the conditions in the schools there and how efforts to help are working. You will also find up-to-date information on how to prepare and ship school supplies.
Iraqi Schools.com is a volunteer effort of citizens, based in St. Paul Minnesota, assisting soldiers in donating and distrubuting school supplies to the children of Iraq. The website includes pictures of the donations in Iraq, how to help, letters from Iraq and information on Iraqi Schools.
For Additional Information:
USAID: Assistance for Iraq - Education
Information, articles and accomplishments of USAID and the Department of Education to improve access to education for the people of Iraq. Some noted accomplishments include:
* More than 8.7 million math and science textbooks have been edited, printed, and distributed throughout Iraq.
* 55,000 teachers and administrators have been trained. By the end of the 2005-06 school year more than 120,000 educators will have received in-service training supported by USAID since 2004.
* 2,962 schools have been rehabilitated in full or in part since 2003.
October 2006:
Multi-National Force - Iraq - Soldiers providing power for schools
Local schools in the Karkh district of Baghdad receuved electric generators and other helpful supplies from Multi-National Division Soldiers, as part of a joint effort with Iraqi council members and police, who helped distribute the supplies. 75 generators were delivered to the district's educational headquaters, bringing electricity for use in 60 schools. Coalition Forces have also helped with other humanitarian missions to schools as well as repairing, and rebuilding schools destroyed in insurgent attacks.
February 2005:
Task Force Danger Soldiers help rebuild Balad schools
Task Force Danger soldiers in Paliwoda, Iraq have assisted in building four new schools and breaking ground on eight more schools. They have also helped in the distribution of school supplies. In addition, the construction and repair of schools has improved the local economy by offering jobs.
"The American troops are working with the Iraqi people to rebuild for the future of Iraq. They’re building a future that will perhaps help the future government of Iraq.", 1st Lt. Martin Rafter, 1st Battalion, 77th Armored Regiment Rafter. (Story by Pfc. Adam N. Phelps, 22nd MPAD)
May 14, 2005:
Soldiers construct seven schools
A joint effort of the Iraqi Ministry of Education and US Forces constructed seven new schools in southern Iraq.
"Any time you open up a school, you are putting the needs of the children up front, because it is about them and giving them a great place and a great opportunity to learn and grow and do great things for their country." Army Maj. Brian Stevens, a civil affairs officer of the 56th Brigade Combat Team. (Story by Portal Iraq)
August 2005:
Defense Department provides update on Iraq reconstruction progress
More than 1,800 schools have been repaired, and are ready for Iraqi school children to attend. In addition 43 schools have been apporved for funds for rennovation or repair including sanitary faciltities, electrical wiring, structural repair and mechanical repairs. Children have also receieved medical screenings in preparation for school.
October 18, 2003:
U.S. Bringing Education Back to Iraq
A speech by President Bush highlighting the advances of US Forces in restoring the educational system of Iraq. Under the rule of Saddam Hussein, the illiteracy rate in Iraq was an an estimated 61% for adult males and 77% for adult females, many teachers were unpaid and schools closed. Many schools that remain opened lacked educational materials (which was strictly censored) as well as structural needs such as windows, plumbing and electricity. President Bush makes a committment to the people of Iraq to support the advancement of their education as well as delivering needed vaccinations to students. Other accomplishments are noted in this speech.
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