"On Patriot Day, we pray for those who died and for their families. We volunteer to help others and demonstrate the continuing compassion of our citizens. On this solemn occasion, we rededicate ourselves to laying the foundation of peace with confidence in our mission and our free way of life.
By a joint resolution approved December 18, 2001 (Public Law 107-89), the Congress has designated September 11 of each year as "Patriot Day."
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2007, as Patriot Day. I call upon the Governors of the United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as well as appropriate officials of all units of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff on Patriot Day. I also call upon the people of the United States to observe Patriot Day with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and remembrance services, to display the flag at half-staff from their homes on that day, and to observe a moment of silence beginning at 8:46 a.m. eastern daylight time to honor the innocent Americans and people from around the world who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001." President Bush, Patriot Day Proclamation. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2007/09/20070904-6.html
Title: United States Army Patriot Day 2007
Site: http://www.army.mil/patriotday/2007/
Includes: Videos. Photographs, News and Tributes
Title: "September 11 Anniversary Marked Overseas". Wral.com News.
Site: http://www.wral.com/news/national_world/world/story/1800310/
President Hamid Karzai thanked the international community for helping to "return Afghanistan to the people of Afghanistan".
In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters that he supports the Japanese navy in providing fuel for Coalition ships in the Indian Ocean, "The international community is united in its fight against terrorism, and it is imperative that Japan continue its contributions,"
At the U.S. air base near Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, servicemen and women laid flowers at a memorial stone dedicated to Peter Ganci, the New York fire chief who died while rescuing people after the September 11 attacks. The base supports U.S.-led operations in Afghanistan.
(For more observations of September 11th, please view the above link)
Title: "Harper vows continued support for Afghanistan." Reuters Canada.
Site: http://ca.today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=topNews&storyID=2007-09-11T060938Z_01_SYD96466_RTRIDST_0_NEWS-AUSTRALIA-HARPER-COL.XML
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave a speech to Australia's parliament,"This cause is global and necessary. As 9/11 showed, if we abandon our fellow human beings to lives of poverty, brutality and ignorance in today's global village, their misery will eventually and inevitably become our own."
Harper said that he hoped Canada would committ troops to Afghanistan until the Afghan forces were able to regain stability, and be able to secure their country.
Title: " US soldiers in Afghanistan pause to remember 9-11 attacks." Newsday.com
Site: http://www.newsday.com/news/local/wire/newyork/ny-bc-ny--afghan-sept11anni0911sep11,0,7581546.story
At a US base in Kabul, soldiers remembered 9-11 in silence, lowering the flag to half-staff.
Maj. Gen. Robert Cone told some 100 soldiers, "We are here now six years later, not as a conquering force, not as an invader seeking to vanquish the Afghans, but rather to do what is right _ to seek out and destroy our common enemy," Cone said. "As allies, we will train and equip the Afghans. We will help them to provide for their people because we are Americans."
Title: Raising Our Kids: Patriot's Day
Site: http://www.raisingourkids.com/hol/patriot.shtml
Includes: Explanations for Kids on September 11th/Patriot's Day, Coloring Pages, Activities, Links, Tips on How to Help Children Cope
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