Friday, July 20, 2007
Highlights of Progress in Anbar (Iraq)
Where is al Anbar?
Al Anbar is a province of Iraq, whose name means "granaries". It's capital is Ar Ramadi, Fallujah and amadi are other well known cities in Anbar. Anbar shares borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The majority of citizens are Sunni.
Highlights of Progress in Anbar:
"Al Qaeda is still active in Iraq. Its home base is Anbar Province. Al Qaeda has helped make Anbar the most violent area of Iraq outside the capital. A captured al Qaeda document describes the terrorists' plan to infiltrate and seize control of the province. This would bring al Qaeda closer to its goals of taking down Iraq's democracy, building a radical Islamic empire, and launching new attacks on the United States at home and abroad. Our military forces in Anbar are killing and capturing al Qaeda leaders, and they are protecting the local population. Recently, local tribal leaders have begun to show their willingness to take on al Qaeda. And as a result, our commanders believe we have an opportunity to deal a serious blow to the terrorists..." --President Bush, Address to the Nation, January 10, 2007.
August 2006: The "Anbar Awakening: is formed of 30 allied Sunni tribes who pledge to fight al Qaeda by working alongside US troops and the Iraqi police. Sunni sheiks hope to make the "Anbar Awakening" a national party.The "Anbar Awakening" hopes to restore peace to Iraq, and build better lives for its people.
May 15, 2007:
"We clearly see that the Iraqi citizens have grown tired of what the insurgency has to offer; they do not want any part of it," --Marine Brig. Gen. Charles M. Gurganus, ground forces commander for Multinational Force West (Gerry J. Gilmore, American Forces Press Service).
CNN reports that al Qaeda is on the verge of collapse in Anbar. Life in Anbar remains uncertain but progess is steady, as Iraqis and Coalition troops unite to defeat al Qaeda. In Ramadi, 22 security stations have been formed to quell al Qaeda and provide scurity. Recruitment for the Iraqi security forces increases as Iraqis are demanding that al Qaeda be removed.
CNN: al-Qaeda On Verge Of Collapse In al-Anbar Province, May 15, 2007
Anbar Province Still Dangerous But Getting Better, Marine Commander Says
By Gerry J. Gilmore, American Forces Press Service
May 15, 2007.
Coalition Forces Overpower al Qaeda
June 30-July 1, 2007:
"Al Qaeda suicide attacks against infrastructure or Iraqi police is a set back for AQI not Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces." -- Major Pool (the Fourth Rail)
US Army forces allied with the Iraqi police to serve a can of whoop ass to al Qaeda in Ramadi and Jazzera al Humar (Donkey Island), 3 miles south of Ramadi. The battle began at 9:20 pm on June 30th when al Qaeda forces began to stage attacks, including bombings and suicide attacks, against Coalition forces in an attempt to regain control of Anbar. Soldiers returned fire and were aided with Apache helicopter gun ships and fighter jets. A total of five raids as conducted by Coaliton forces, which resulted in destroying several al Qaeda bunkers and attack positions. The insurgents fought back with sucide vests, homemade explosives and small arms fire. Coalition forces defeated the insurgents on July 1, killing 23 and taking 2 as prisoner.
The Fourth Rail (includes journal of the raid):
Multi-National Corps – Iraq
July 2007:
"Catholics, Muslims, Sunnis and Shiites act as one, work as one to rid the country of terror and fear.” --Lt. Col. Salah Arak al Alwani, the al Jameah police station commander.
The "Promise of the People" conference was held on July 7 in Ramadi in which 400 local leaders and professions gathered to form an alliance to pledge loyalty to Iraqi security forces in a battle against al Qaeda. The danger and continued attacks presented by al Qaeda did not stop the conference nor the determination of the people of Anbar. Shiite and Sunni leaders also were present, some travelling from distant provinces including Baghdad, Salahuddin and Karbala.The "Promise of the People" conference was planned by the Alwani Tribe of Ramadi to both offer unity against al Qaeda and to strengthen community ties. Many more councils were formed as a reult of the conference. In many respects, the conference was festive and hopeful.
Sources:Anbar leaders celebrate awakening. July 15, 2007. By Spc. Ricardo Branch and Lance Cpl. Joseph D. Day. 7th Marines Public Affairs.
This link offers additionalpictures:
US Army & Iraqis Celebrate Victory over al Qaeda in Anbar Province
See the Video, and Enbed on your blog:
July 15, 2007:
Operation Mawtini is launched to create a strong troop presence in Anbar in order to restore peace and stop insurgent activity. Over 9,000 U.S Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Iraqi Army will be stationed along the Euphrates River Valley, in various urban areas.
Marines launch Operation Mawtini in western Al Anbar.
Multi-National Corps – Iraq
Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory
An Interesting Blog:
Desert Flier : Life and death in the Anbar Province through the eyes of a flight/trauma nurse
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