Friday, March 07, 2008

Explosive Discoveries in Iraq (Mar. 2008)

March 5, 2008: In two separate events, members of the Sons of Iraq turn over two weapons caches to soldiers in Arab Jabour. The caches includes 120 mm projectiles, anti-aircraft rounds and machine gun rounds.
Multi-National Corps Iraq (3-7-08):

March 5, 2008: Several citizens of Arab Jabour, Iraq, discover a large cache of weapons then turn it over to soldiers at Patrol Base Red. It is believed the weapons were buried but still could be used. According to Capt. Joseph Inge, commander, Company D. the cache included, "111 57 mm projectiles and 22 60 mm projectiles. Each projectile was rigged with detonation cord and packed with homemade explosives. The only thing missing was an initiation device..."
Multi-National Corps Iraq (3-7-08):

March 4, 2008: The Jabellah Iraqi Police force recovers a large weapons and munitions cache in a house in Jabellah. The cache was eventually transferred into the control of Coalition troops, and considered a successful recovery. The cache: "...consisted of 165 one-pound blocks of C-4 explosive, 19 rocket propelled grenades, five RPG launchers, one 60mm mortar tube, three rolls of detonation cord and two blasting caps for making improvised explosive devices, 25 107 mm high explosive rockets and 23 rocket fuses, 10 120 mm high explosive mortar rounds, 84 60 mm and 60 81 mm high explosive mortar rounds, along with six 60 mm mortar fuses."
Multi-National Corps Iraq (3-7-08):

March 4, 2008: A large cache of weapons and munitions was recovered near a suspected al Qaeda training camp in Balad, Iraq by the Tal Afar Special Weapons and Tactics team and U.S. Special Forces. The cache was discovered during the progress of an operation that began on Match 2, targeting terrorist activity in the area. As a result of the operation, 9 terrorists were killed and 8 suspected terrorists were arrested. Tal Afar SWAT and US Special Forces seized weapons and munitions in several underground locations. The cache included: "...more than 700 lbs of home-made explosives; 11 120mm high-explosive mortar rounds; two AK-47 assault rifles; seven sights for RPG-7 rocket launchers; two Russian 120mm mortar rounds; one 122mm Chinese high explosive mortar round; 10, 82mm Chinese high explosive mortar rounds; 100 pounds of mortar propellant charges; two Belgian anti-personnel landmines; and various fuses." The weapons were destroyed on site.
Multi-National Corps Iraq (3-7-08):

March 4, 2008: The Sons of Iraq working alongside Coalition Forces around Hawr Rajab and Zambraniyah discover two weapons caches. What was recovered from the two weapons caches include 5 gallon barrels of nitric acid, explosive initiators, 57 mm projectiles and improvised explosive devises. In addition, soldiers in Hawr Rajab found a third weapons cache, "The cache consisted of five rocket-propelled grenade warheads, one mortar tube, four AK47 magazines, one 60 mm mortar, three AK-47 butt stocks, two RPG launchers, two knives, two boxes of cell phones, 70 drums of 7.62 mm ammunition and various electronic components." All the contents of the three caches were destroyed.
Multi-National Corps Iraq (3-6-08):

March 3-4, 2008: During an overnight operation in Adwaniyah, Multi-National Division – Center Soldiers with 3rd Infantry Division were tipped off by a lead from the Sons of Iraq to find two weapons caches and detain three insurgents. A member of the Sons of Iraq had informed his sheik that a fellow member was attempting to form his own insurgent group. Concerned for the safety of the town, he sheik, in turn, passed the information on to Soldiers of Troop B. Based on that and other information, soldiers conducted a raid on the suspect's house. Inside the house, soldiers discovered explosive making materials and other insurgent material. Outside the house, a larger weapons cache was found, "Soldiers discovered a weapons cache containing 100 feet of detonation cord, five grenades, a quarter pound of TNT, five pounds of plastic explosives, two rocket propelled grenade charge tubes, 28 mortar round charges, 33 bags of gunpowder, five pounds of unknown bulk explosives, five shotgun shells, two AK- 47 assault rifles, two PKC machine guns, two blasting caps, four timers, two 7.62 mm ammunition magazines and five ounces of acetone peroxide, a primary high explosive." Early morning of March 4, the Sons of Iraq assisted soldiers in discovering an additional weapons cache. Douglas Hoyt, commander of Troop B, 6th Squadron is quoted as saying that the Sons of Iraq, "They’re looking out for their own town. They don’t want to be terrorized again.”
Multi-National Corps Iraq (3-6-08):

For More News and Information, visit Operation Iraqi Freedom: Official Websight of Multi-National Force Iraq, Press Releases:

Support our Troops!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Good We Secure (Quote)

"The good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain-- until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life." -- Jane Addams (1860-1935)

Progress in Afghanistan: Feb 2008

This is a small compilation of news and events. If you have anything further to add, please leave a link or comment. Your thoughts and comments are welcomed. God Bless ()-:)

2/13/2008: International Security Assistance Force soldiers provided supplies and medical assistance to 75 children from an orphanga in Chaghcharan District, Ghowr Province. At the hospital at Forward Support Base Herat children ages 3 to 14 received vaccinations against meningitis. Also, the Chaghcharan Provincial Reconstruction Team soldiers provided Allawudin Village High Achool with needed supplies including furniture, school supplies, computers and water containers and boilers.

Regional Command West continues to work with the orphanage to provide medical care for the children. Spanish doctors provided medical checks for the children weekly. Since July 2005, ISAF has provided treatment for more than 8,000 Afghans.
"ISAF vaccinates children, donates school supplies in Ghowr Province", ISAF/NATO. 2/15/2008. (courtesy of Blackanthem Military News).


2/14/2008: Lieutenant-General Michel Gauthier, overall commander of Canadian troops stationed abroad remains optimistic about the progress of reconstruction in Afghan despite challenges. Lieutenant-General Gauthier states the 2,500 Canadian troops stationed in Kandahar had "made tremendous progress" in operations conducted over the past 6 months to combat the Taliban and continue to train Afghan forces. Further, Lieutenant-General Gauthier believes progress is moving in the right direction.
"Canada's military optimistic about Afghan progress", David Ljunggren (Reuters). 2/14/2008.
“Coalition forces are systematically depleting the Taliban’s cadre of experienced leaders to the benefit of the Afghan people and the positive progress of Afghanistan.” -- Army Maj. Chris Belcher

2/17/2008: Coalition troops in the Zabul province Afghanistan capture four suspected insurgents during an operation to counteract Taliban activities.

In addition, Afghan citizens have revealed crucial information to Coalition forces leading to the discovery of several weapons caches in Nangarhar province’s Kot and Khogyani sectors. The largest cache found included rocket propelled grenade launchers, mortar fuse and 25mm ammunition among other deadly aresennal.

"Coalition Troops in Afghanistan Detain Four Insurgents", American Forces Information Services. 2/17/2008.


"Today you will bring great stability within Afghanistan... As policemen you represent the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan; there is no higher honor." -- Maj. Gen. Marc Lessard, Regional-Command South

2/21/2008: The first class of 259 Afghan National Police graduated from the Zabul province on February 21. The class participated in the new Focused District Development eight-week training initiative in Kandahar and on the same day the first class of 143 graduated in Herat" (ARSIC). The Focused District Develop is a program designed to improve policing in Afghanistan, district by district by improving training, security and safety. There are four phases of the 8 week program, the final happens after training when the police are reintroduced to their community and develop a relationship with their people. US soldiers and a police mentoring team will accompany the new officers in the final phase.

"New Afghan Program Graduates First Police", ARSIC Public Affairs. 2/22/2008.

“Throughout the day, insurgents kept trying to fight the (Afghan national security forces). The result was always the same...(The insurgents were) defeated.” --,” Army Capt. Vanessa R. Bowman

2/20-22/2008: In the Helmand province of Afghanistan, Coalition forces conducted operations designed to restore security and strengthen local infanstructure. The operation included targeting lines insurgents use to smuggle drugs and weapons. Several key areas used to engage attacks were also included in the operation. In the first two days, security forces conducted raids and won several battles against insurgents. Afghan forces spoke with local people to inform them of the operations, and won alliances and help from citizens, "Other villagers echoed this sentiment, saying they welcome the security and stability that leaders of the national security forces and government can provide. Villagers also provided crucial information about insurgent practices and the locations of insurgent safe houses, military officials said." (American Forces Press Service). The operation resulted in the recovery of several weapons caches, one which netted 400 lbs of ammonium nitrate (an explosive).

Afghan and Coalition forces delivered a devastating blow to insurgents in the Kajaki district of Helmand province of Afghanistan. During two operations targeting a Taliban leader, insurgents attacked Coalition and Afghan forces with small arms and hand grenades. The casualities of the attacks include an unknown number of insurgents and an innocent woman and child. The bodies of the woman and child were found in a room where the Taliban had engaged attacks against the troops. It is clear that the Taliban's only concern is to win; they do not care about the people of Afghanistan or the children who are its future. Nor do they express remorse when innocent lives are put at risk, or killed, because of their actions. Coalition forces expressed their sympathies to the families. Troops also seized AK 47 assault rifles and ammunition during the operation. The ability of the Taliban to make bombs was greatly disrupted by this, and when Forces penetrated a "100 foot deep interconnected tunnel system", which was blown to bits with munitions.

Many lives were saved with preventative measures to capture insurgents and disrupt their ability to produce weapons.

"Forces Kill Insurgents, Destroy Enemy Infrastructure, Weapons in Afghanistan", American Forces Press Service. 2/24/2008.


Good work troops! Thanks to the brave people of Afghanistan!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Coalition Forces Continue to Dismantle Terrorist Networks

Source: Multi-National Force-Iraq
Title: Five terrorists killed, 22 suspects detained during operations targeting al-Qaeda
Date: September 25, 2007
Site: complete story please visit site)

“We will continue to dismantle the terrorist networks that threaten the security of Iraq and our forces,” said Maj. Winfield Danielson, MNF-I spokesman. “The people of Iraq have chosen their future; Iraqi and Coalition forces will ensure al-Qaeda in Iraq stays out of their way.”

Coalition forces have advanced in the war against terrorism, as recent updates reveal:

* On Tuesday, Coalition forces killed five terrorists and detained 22 suspected terrorists during missions targeting al Qaeda conducted in the central and northern parts of Iraq.

* South of Musayyib, Coalition forces targeted a building believed to be part of al Qaeda operations. Small arms fire erupted from the building. Coalition troops responded with additional fire and wounded a man. When detained, the identity of the man is believed to be an alleged associated of a senior leader involved in al Qaeda's car bombing network. The suspect is believed to have helped move al Qaeda leaders. The man did receive treatment for his wounds. Air support was called in as the attack continued, in which four more al Qaeda suspects were killed.

*Moving to another target location, Coalition forces again engaged in fire with alleged al Qaeda suspects who refused to comply with orders to come out. One suspect manuerved towards the troops and was killed in self-defense. Seven more suspects were detained.

*In an operation in southern Baghdad, Coalition forces captured four suspected terrorists including a man believed to be a close associate to the al Qaeda in Iraq emir of South Karkh.

*In central Iraq, Coalition forces carried out three operations targeting high ranking al Qaeda operatives. Five suspected terrorists were detained, two of the suspects are believed to be involved in attacks against Coalition troops.

*In Bayji (northern Iraq), Coalition troops captured three suspected terrorists in an operation to target an al Qaeda associate.

*In Mosul, Coalition forces targeted an associate of the emir of al Qaeda in northwestern Iraq and captured two suspected terrorists. One terrorist is believed to be an al Qaeda in Iraq cell leader, the other is suspected of moving al Qaeda leaders in and out of Iraq.

For more Press Releases from Multi-National Force Iraq, September 2007:§ionid=1&id=4&Itemid=128

Rebuilding Afghanistan: "Stories from the Field"

Source: Government of Canada
Description: Collection of personal stories and projects describing progress and reconstruction projects in Afghanistan.
Articles include "Back to School in Afghanistan!" about efforts to improve the education system in Afghanistan and offer more opportunities for women and girls (including the hiring of female teachers). The article states that: According to the Ministry of Education, over six million children, nearly 35% of them girls, will be enrolled in school in 2007/08, compared to a little more than a million students five years ago and very few girls. Furthermore, the number of teachers in the education system has grown seven-fold.
Another article titled "CIVPOL Diary: Grand Opening of New Afghan Police Station in Kandahar" describes the opening of a new police station in Kandahar, and plans to build nine more, "The design chosen is something akin to a French Fort in the Arabian Desert; high concrete walls, guard towers, barded wire, and steel reinforced gates..."This page includes several articles and is very informative.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Remembering September 11th: The Sixth Anniversary

"On Patriot Day, we pray for those who died and for their families. We volunteer to help others and demonstrate the continuing compassion of our citizens. On this solemn occasion, we rededicate ourselves to laying the foundation of peace with confidence in our mission and our free way of life.

By a joint resolution approved December 18, 2001 (Public Law 107-89), the Congress has designated September 11 of each year as "Patriot Day."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim September 11, 2007, as Patriot Day. I call upon the Governors of the United States and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, as well as appropriate officials of all units of government, to direct that the flag be flown at half-staff on Patriot Day. I also call upon the people of the United States to observe Patriot Day with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and remembrance services, to display the flag at half-staff from their homes on that day, and to observe a moment of silence beginning at 8:46 a.m. eastern daylight time to honor the innocent Americans and people from around the world who lost their lives as a result of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001." President Bush, Patriot Day Proclamation.


Title: United States Army Patriot Day 2007
Includes: Videos. Photographs, News and Tributes


Title: "September 11 Anniversary Marked Overseas". News.

President Hamid Karzai thanked the international community for helping to "return Afghanistan to the people of Afghanistan".

In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters that he supports the Japanese navy in providing fuel for Coalition ships in the Indian Ocean, "The international community is united in its fight against terrorism, and it is imperative that Japan continue its contributions,"
At the U.S. air base near Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, servicemen and women laid flowers at a memorial stone dedicated to Peter Ganci, the New York fire chief who died while rescuing people after the September 11 attacks. The base supports U.S.-led operations in Afghanistan.

(For more observations of September 11th, please view the above link)


Title: "Harper vows continued support for Afghanistan." Reuters Canada.


Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper gave a speech to Australia's parliament,"This cause is global and necessary. As 9/11 showed, if we abandon our fellow human beings to lives of poverty, brutality and ignorance in today's global village, their misery will eventually and inevitably become our own."

Harper said that he hoped Canada would committ troops to Afghanistan until the Afghan forces were able to regain stability, and be able to secure their country.


Title: " US soldiers in Afghanistan pause to remember 9-11 attacks."


At a US base in Kabul, soldiers remembered 9-11 in silence, lowering the flag to half-staff.

Maj. Gen. Robert Cone told some 100 soldiers, "We are here now six years later, not as a conquering force, not as an invader seeking to vanquish the Afghans, but rather to do what is right _ to seek out and destroy our common enemy," Cone said. "As allies, we will train and equip the Afghans. We will help them to provide for their people because we are Americans."


Title: Raising Our Kids: Patriot's Day


Includes: Explanations for Kids on September 11th/Patriot's Day, Coloring Pages, Activities, Links, Tips on How to Help Children Cope

Friday, July 20, 2007

Alleged Al Qaeda Leader Behind Bars

July 13, 2007:

U.S. Special Forces and Iraqi Security Forces were successful in detaining an alleged high level al Qaeda leader at the Baghdad International Airport. The alleged leader was detained without a struggle and is currently being held for question. The alleged leader is believe to have commanded attacks against Coalition forces, distributed mortars, and ordered attacks. He has operated in the Karh district of Baghdad, along with Mahmudiyah and the Arab Jabour districts. No injuries of Iraqi Security or Coalition forces were reported during his capture.

U.S. Special Forces apprehend high-level Al-Qaeda cell leader. Multi-National Corps –Iraq, Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory.

Historic Peace Agreement Signed between Tribes

By signing the peace agreement, the tribes agreed to “swear by God and his holy book Koran that we will unite in fighting terrorism in our areas.”

The strength of the tribes comes from the sheiks’ courage,” --Col. David W. Sutherland, commander, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division.

July 13, 2007:

Key leaders from the Ubaidi and Anbakia tribes met at the at the Baqouba Government Center to sign a peace agreement which will end the long conflicts between them and secure an alliance. Both the Ubaidi and Anbakia also agreed to unite against al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations, in order to restore peace.
"Key promises of the agreement include ending tribal infighting and kidnappings; providing names of tribal members operating against the people; fighting al-Qaida within Diyala; cooperating and working with the Iraqi Security Forces to assist in discovering improvised explosive devices and locating corrupt individuals within the government and security forces; honoring the law; solving agricultural disputes within tribes and assist in returning displaced families to their homes."

After signing the agreement, tribal leaders placed their hand on the Holy Koran to show their respect and committment to the agreement.


Ubaidi, Anbakia tribes sign peace agreement in Diyala. July 12, 2007. Multi-National Corps – Iraq, Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory.

Highlights of Progress in Anbar (Iraq)

Where is al Anbar?

Al Anbar is a province of Iraq, whose name means "granaries". It's capital is Ar Ramadi, Fallujah and amadi are other well known cities in Anbar. Anbar shares borders with Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The majority of citizens are Sunni.

Highlights of Progress in Anbar:

"Al Qaeda is still active in Iraq. Its home base is Anbar Province. Al Qaeda has helped make Anbar the most violent area of Iraq outside the capital. A captured al Qaeda document describes the terrorists' plan to infiltrate and seize control of the province. This would bring al Qaeda closer to its goals of taking down Iraq's democracy, building a radical Islamic empire, and launching new attacks on the United States at home and abroad. Our military forces in Anbar are killing and capturing al Qaeda leaders, and they are protecting the local population. Recently, local tribal leaders have begun to show their willingness to take on al Qaeda. And as a result, our commanders believe we have an opportunity to deal a serious blow to the terrorists..." --President Bush, Address to the Nation, January 10, 2007.

August 2006: The "Anbar Awakening: is formed of 30 allied Sunni tribes who pledge to fight al Qaeda by working alongside US troops and the Iraqi police. Sunni sheiks hope to make the "Anbar Awakening" a national party.The "Anbar Awakening" hopes to restore peace to Iraq, and build better lives for its people.

May 15, 2007:

"We clearly see that the Iraqi citizens have grown tired of what the insurgency has to offer; they do not want any part of it," --Marine Brig. Gen. Charles M. Gurganus, ground forces commander for Multinational Force West (Gerry J. Gilmore, American Forces Press Service).

CNN reports that al Qaeda is on the verge of collapse in Anbar. Life in Anbar remains uncertain but progess is steady, as Iraqis and Coalition troops unite to defeat al Qaeda. In Ramadi, 22 security stations have been formed to quell al Qaeda and provide scurity. Recruitment for the Iraqi security forces increases as Iraqis are demanding that al Qaeda be removed.


CNN: al-Qaeda On Verge Of Collapse In al-Anbar Province, May 15, 2007

Anbar Province Still Dangerous But Getting Better, Marine Commander Says
By Gerry J. Gilmore, American Forces Press Service
May 15, 2007.
Coalition Forces Overpower al Qaeda

June 30-July 1, 2007:
"Al Qaeda suicide attacks against infrastructure or Iraqi police is a set back for AQI not Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces." -- Major Pool (the Fourth Rail)

US Army forces allied with the Iraqi police to serve a can of whoop ass to al Qaeda in Ramadi and Jazzera al Humar (Donkey Island), 3 miles south of Ramadi. The battle began at 9:20 pm on June 30th when al Qaeda forces began to stage attacks, including bombings and suicide attacks, against Coalition forces in an attempt to regain control of Anbar. Soldiers returned fire and were aided with Apache helicopter gun ships and fighter jets. A total of five raids as conducted by Coaliton forces, which resulted in destroying several al Qaeda bunkers and attack positions. The insurgents fought back with sucide vests, homemade explosives and small arms fire. Coalition forces defeated the insurgents on July 1, killing 23 and taking 2 as prisoner.


The Fourth Rail (includes journal of the raid):

Multi-National Corps – Iraq

July 2007:

"Catholics, Muslims, Sunnis and Shiites act as one, work as one to rid the country of terror and fear.” --Lt. Col. Salah Arak al Alwani, the al Jameah police station commander.

The "Promise of the People" conference was held on July 7 in Ramadi in which 400 local leaders and professions gathered to form an alliance to pledge loyalty to Iraqi security forces in a battle against al Qaeda. The danger and continued attacks presented by al Qaeda did not stop the conference nor the determination of the people of Anbar. Shiite and Sunni leaders also were present, some travelling from distant provinces including Baghdad, Salahuddin and Karbala.The "Promise of the People" conference was planned by the Alwani Tribe of Ramadi to both offer unity against al Qaeda and to strengthen community ties. Many more councils were formed as a reult of the conference. In many respects, the conference was festive and hopeful.

Anbar leaders celebrate awakening. July 15, 2007. By Spc. Ricardo Branch and Lance Cpl. Joseph D. Day. 7th Marines Public Affairs.

This link offers additionalpictures:

US Army & Iraqis Celebrate Victory over al Qaeda in Anbar Province
See the Video, and Enbed on your blog:

July 15, 2007:

Operation Mawtini is launched to create a strong troop presence in Anbar in order to restore peace and stop insurgent activity. Over 9,000 U.S Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and Iraqi Army will be stationed along the Euphrates River Valley, in various urban areas.


Marines launch Operation Mawtini in western Al Anbar.
Multi-National Corps – Iraq
Public Affairs Office, Camp Victory

An Interesting Blog:

Desert Flier : Life and death in the Anbar Province through the eyes of a flight/trauma nurse

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Afghan Gov. & Coalition Forces Provide Flood Relief
Title: Afghan Government, Coalition Aid Flood Victims
Author: Combined Press Information Center Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan
Date: April 3, 2007

Spring came with floods in Afghanistan. Rain and melting snow caused creeks and rivers to rise at rapid levels, stranding more than 200 Afghans--many who were without food, dry clothing or shelter. The Laghman provincial government, Afghan National Security Forces and Coalition partners responded in relief efforts by providing needed food and supplies. Some flood victims were also evacuated by helicopter. Coalition leaders applauded the rapid response and rescue efforts made by the Afghan government in response to the flooding.
Army Lt. Col. Steven Gilbert, the commander of Task Force Iron Gray also commented, "As Coalition forces are here to help the people of Afghanistan we did everything in our power to render assistance when Governor Mangal called. I am very pleased with evacuating the flood victims and to arrange for the helicopters to assist in the rescue of so many citizens of Laghman. My soldiers felt very good about the opportunity to deliver food, blankets and clothing in such a time of need.” (Defend America)

Friday, March 09, 2007

Reconstruction Improves life in Basra, Iraq

Site: Soldier: Magazine of the British Army
Date: March 2007
Title: Browne: 'Basra a better place'
Summary: British Defense Secretary Des Browne applauds British troops for their crucial role in the reconstruction effort in Iraq, and notes positive improvements.


Browne: ‘Basra a better place’

DEFENCE Secretary Des Browne has commended British troops for their commitment to leaving Iraq a better place after being shown the fruits of a key reconstruction effort.

During his whistle-stop tour of southern Iraq to meet soldiers from 19 Light Brigade, he was given an insight into Op Sinbad – the joint effort between Multi-National Forces and the Iraqi Army to renovate large areas of the city.

Mr Browne said: “Every time I visit Iraq, and this is the fourth time I have been here, I am struck by the progress the Iraqi government is making. In Basra, I have met many of our own brave and dedicated people. I am pleased with the early assessments of Op Sinbad and the positive effects it has had.”

Day-by-day responsibility for Sinbad, which has so far seen more than £30 million worth of investment, has now been handed over to the Iraqi authorities.

Projects undertaken include the laying of new water pipes, improvements to the electricity supply infrastructure and the planting of 70,000 date palms.

Postive Accomplishments from the Mid East, March 2007

Army.Mil/News Middle East-March 2007

"Americans should hear of the current 989 projects where we are advancing and enhancing the lives of the Iraqi people. Americans should see the photos of Iraqis being educated in clean, safe learning environments or playing in newly built youth centers. Americans should see in the infants being cared for in modern medical facilities that previously did not exist." -- Brig. Gen. Michael J. Walsh, commander of the Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division, Baghdad (Jim Garamone, 3/1/07, Army.Mil/News).

Title- Battle Buddies: Sargeant Major, Iraqi General's Son Share Special BondBy- Sgt Mike Pryor
Date- March 7, 2007
Summary- Sgt. Maj. Manuel Daponte of Westport, MA made a special friend in Baghdad when he met four year old son of an Iraqi general, Mutada Ali, "Daponte insists that the time he spends with Mutada reminds him what he is fighting for..."
Sgt. Maj. Daponte works closely with Mustada Ali's father, Police Commander Brig. Gen. Ali Ibrahim Daboun, in training and advising the Iraqi Army.

Title- Soldiers Provide Supplies for Women's Day
By- Sgt Matt Lichtenberg
Date- March 8, 2007
Summary- The Bagram Provincial Reconstruction Team of Afghanistan, which includes US soldiers, visited the Kapisa Province deliver supplies to the Department for Women's Affairs. Soldiers provided food, blankets, toiletries and other necessities to give to the women on March 8 during a celebration honoring Women's Day. The Kapisa teams makes monthly deliveries of supplies throughout the province. The response to the aid has been well received, Army Sgt. Jeremy Hancock, stationed in Bagram comments that, "The biggest thing is the government and the people are more willing to work with us because of our help. "The locals are more permissive to Coalition forces, and they're also more loyal to their government..."

Title- Most Reconstruction Progress in Iraq OnTrack, Says General
By- Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service

Date- March 1, 2007
Summary- During a news conference, Brig. Gen. Michael J. Walsh, commander of the Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division, in Baghdad commended US troops for their accomplishments in assisting IRaq during reconstruction. Many of the services being provided to the people of Iraq, have never been introduced to the country before, "On any given day the Gulf Region Division is working on approximately 1,100 projects across the country, Walsh said..."Brig. Gen Walsh also said that Americans should hear about the successes in Iraq including improving and advancing electrical service in Iraq, building 10,045 schools and successfully completing more than 3,000 projects which have offered a better life for the people of Iraq.

Other articles for March 2007 include updates on a military project to increase armor on Humvees to offer better protection for soldiers.

Deployment of three soldiers who share their story of forming a close bond, and working together to help the people of Afghanistan.

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