Monday, January 15, 2007

US Troops in Rushdi Mullah Help Children

U.S. Troops in Rushdi Mullah Help Local Children - DefendAmerica News Article

Author: U.S. Army Capt. Chris Sanchez, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment

January 4, 2007:
US Soldiers stationed in Rushdi Mullah, Iraq are locally known for acts of kindness such as giving medical treatment to a young boy who had been shot by terrorists and gathering donations of toys and supplies for local children. As a result villagers feel a kinship with the soldiers and have assisted soldiers by providing information on terrorist activities.

For Thought:
"May we learn to give ourselves with both hands,
to lift each other on our shoulders,
to carry one another along." -- Dawna Markova


On a Personal Note:

I applaud the efforts of US and Coalition soldiers in their humanitarian efforts, to which provides a shining example of how individual efforts can make a positive difference in the life of another. When your intention is compassion, charity and love--there are no differences, the very act of giving is a language spoken of the heart. A language with no barriers.

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