Monday, January 15, 2007

Army Vets Care For Livestock in Iraq

Multi-National Force - Iraq - Army vets help Iraqi animals

Author: Spc. Chris McCann, 2nd BCT, 10th Mtn. Div

January 4, 2007:
The Multi-National Division Baghdad veterinarian, Lt. Col. Neil Ahle has been working closely with US soldiers and Iraqi farmers to care for sick animals and provide needed vaccinations. Animals are important to the economy of Iraq because they provide a means for farmers to remain self-sufficient and support the growth of the economy as a whole. The lack of infastructure (including electricity needed to refridgerate certain medications), safety concerns due to insurgent attacks, and poverty has made it difficult for many Iraqi farmers to seek treatment for their livestocks. On December 22, Lt. Col. Ahle worked at the schoolyard of Al-Taraq school to provide free medical care for livestock.

For Thought:
"Therefore let those who bring about wonderful things
in their big, dark books
take an animal to help them.
The life within the animal
will give them strenth in turn.
For equality gives strength
in all things, in all times." -- Meister Eckhart

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