November 13, 2006: A British battalion, led by Lt. Col. David Labouchere has made significant progress in cutting the amount of illegal weapons being smuggled into the Maysan province of Iraq. Lt. Labouchere's methods are rather uncoventional: closing a large base at the former Abu Naji prison and resorting to low-tech resources in an effort to wage the battle using the tactics common to the local tribespeople. Forming alliances with tribespeople plays a crucial role in the success of Lt. Labouchere's battalion,"That decision to close Abu Naji was the centerpiece of a strategic shift from 'occupation' to 'coexistence' that earned Labouchere and his troops credibility and cooperation among local tribes in the battle to stabilize the region..." (DTI/PR Newswire, November 13, 2006). Lt. Laboucher's strategy is to implement military operations using two lightly armormed squadrons and one central command section. The squadrons are resupplied by air, and without a base remain more flexible to conduct missions while forming relationships among the tribespeople of the Maysan.
For more Information: PR Newswire Europe via COMTEX News Network
DTI Exclusive: In Iraq, British Battle Group Finds Success In High-Mobility, Low-Tech Operations, DTI Magazine Reports
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