Note: This article is a compilation of sources from 2003-2005. The reason why I am including older articles is to show the greater picture of weapons found in Iraq--and to demonstrate how large Saddam's weapons program was. These articles speak for themselves. I will continue to gather information; however there is much more information (including classified documents and documents waiting to be translated) than presented here. My purpose in creating this compilation is that I believe to understand the nature of Saddam's weapons programs and what Saddam was attempting to accomplish in stockpiling weapons, you need to examine the discovery of weapons and related materials over a span of time, to see a more complete picture of the findings. These articles also demonstrate the complex, and dangerous work of US and Coalition forces working Iraq.
" Understanding the threats of our time, knowing the designs and deceptions of the Iraqi regime, we have every reason to assume the worst, and we have an urgent duty to prevent the worst from occurring...We did not ask for this present challenge, but we accept it. Like other generations of Americans, we will meet the responsibility of defending human liberty against violence and aggression. By our resolve, we will give strength to others. By our courage, we will give hope to others. And by our actions, we will secure the peace, and lead the world to a better day.", President Bush, Cincinatti, Ohio. 10/7/2002.
The Links and Resources:
101st soldiers find chemical compound in Iraq
2003- Iraqi Civilians Lead Soldiers to Chemical Compound Near Karbala
Chemical munitions found by Polish soldiers were being pursued by terrorists
July 2004: Polish troops were looking for munitions in Iraq when an informant gave the troops a tip that terrorists were trying to obtain chemical weapons leftover from the Iran-Iraq War. Polish troops purchased the chemical weapons in a covert operation, obtaining 17 rocketsand two mortar rounds that contained a nerve agent...
CIA can't rule out WMD move to Syria - The Washington Times: Nation/Politics - April 27, 2005
April 2005: The CIA's chief weapons inspector said there is credible evidence to suggest that WMD in Iraq may have been moved into Syria. Inspector Charles Duelfer, who heads the Iraq Survey Group also agrees that it is a possibility that WMD had been moved into Syria from Iraq, citing intelligence gained from a Syrian security officer and information the Survey Group has researched about material being moved out of Iraq (he didn't elaborate due to security reasons). However, Duelfer says there is enough evidence to merit an investigation... - UK: Chemical suits found in Iraq - Mar. 27,
March 2003: After Iraqi soldiers abandoned a headquaters building among an oil field in Southern Iraq, British troops began to investigate. Inside the building, the troops found equiptment, paperwork and, chemical weapons protection suits and respirators...
Chemical Weapons Found in Iraq
August 2005-US troops raided a warehouse in Mosul that was discovered to be a chemical weapons factory containing 1,500 gallons of chemicals. The factory was found after US authorities interrogated detainees then acted on the tips. Evidence suggests that insurgents are trying to manufacture chemical weapons...
Evidence found of plan to use chemical weapons: UK - War on Iraq -
March 2003: British Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon believes Saddam Hussein was prepared to use chemical or biological weapons. Hoon came to this conclusion after a discovery this week that 100 chemical weapons suits had been given to Iraqi soldiers stationed at a Rumaila oil field. Hoon also implied that paperwork found in an Iraqi oil field in southern Iraq was also very significant. In addition, US Marines found 3,000 chemical-weapons suits at a hospital in Nasiriyah.. Fallujah chemical weapons lab found
November 2004: A chemical weapons laboratory was found in Fallujah which included instructions on how to make bombs and how to make poisons (including anthrax)...
General Says 2nd Mobile Bioweapons Lab Found in Iraq
May 2003: A trailer found in Mosul is believed to be a mobile lab capable of producing biological agents. The trailer is believed to be newly created. The Pentagon has concluded that a similiar lab, found last month, is indeed a mobile biological weapons lab.
Iraq's Chemical Weapon Program informative site with alot of history & background information
Iraqi Nerve Gas, WMD Find Blows Away Pundits
May 2004: Two shells armed with nerve gas were found in Baghdad by US troops--one contained nerve gas, the other contained mustard gas. This article also discusses Saddam's alliance with al Qaeda; in 1998 a meeting took place in Baghdad where Saddam's top nerve gas experts met with al Qaeda members. Saddam has a history of using posion gasses in planning and executing terrorist attacks. This article also discusses manipulation and deceit by Saddam to conceal his weapons programs from UN inspectors, even going so far as an attempted assination on UN inspectors. Finally, this article discusses Russia and France's role in Iraq's chemical weapons program--namely that weapons and gas came from equiptment made by those two countries. And whatever happened to Saddam's missing WMD? Evidence seems to suggest that they were smuggled into Syria... Inside Cover Story Iraq Survey Chief: More WMD Found
June 2004: Charles Duelfer, the head of the US team searching for WMD in Iraq declares that they are finding new evidence of WMD "almost every day". In June, 10 artillery shells filled with prohibited chemical weapons were found. Last month, the Pentagon confirmed that two artillery shells found did contain sarin and mustard gas. Duefler claims that despite the age of the shells, they are still very dangerous and capable of killing "dozens of people"...
JS Online: Marines find chemical suits, nerve gas antidote in raid
March 2003: After raiding buildings in Nasiriyah, US Marines discovered more than 300 chemical suits, antedotes to nerve gas, 300 gas masks, ammunition, chemical decontamination devices and chemical decontamination vehicles. A few days earlier, British troops found a stash, near Basra, of training equipment used for nuclear, biological and chemical warfare. British troops also found evidence that Iraqi soldiers were using sarin in simulated tests. In northeastern Iraq, US troops searching a terrorist compound found traces of a biological toxin--traces of the same toxin were later found in London..
.Major Sites Associated With Iraq's Past WMD Programs Mobile bio-weapons labfound by U.S. Marines?
April 2003: US Marines approached a truck parked at a construction site, then the vehicle sped off and refused orders to stop. Marines then fired upon the truck, and gained control of it. On the outside the truck looks like a refridgeration truck, on the inside is a suspected biological or chemical weapons mobile lab concealed by a false wall. Also found at the site were anti-aircraft guns, a missile and a stockpile of weapons and ammunition...
New Documents Reveal Saddam Hid WMD, Was Tied to Al Qaida
November 2005: Recently discovered Iraqi documents, now translated by US intelligence, reveal that Saddam had extensive plans to hide WMD that were in Iraq before the 2003 invasion. Documents also show that Saddam was allied with al Qiada before the 9/11 attacks. The Iraq Survey Group that is searching for weapons in Iraq has found "millions of pages of documents". Some of what the documents reveal include that Saddam purchased chemical agents, that Saddam was developing ricin, that Saddam was hiding his activities from the UN inspection teams, that Saddam was financially supporting al Qaida...
May 2004: An artillery shell containing sarin nerve gas from Saddam's stockpile was found by insurgent thugs and used to create a roadside booby trap in Baghdad. US troops intercepted the device before anyone was hurt. The bomb squad safely detonated the shell...
Positive test for terror toxins in Iraq
Sargat, a terrorist training camp near the Iran-Iraq border is home to the radical Islamic militant group Ansar al-Islam, which is closely allied with al Qaida. US Special Forces targeted Sargat, an the al Qaida fighters who took refuge in Northern Iraq and were able to gain access to the Sargat camp. Experts believe the group was using simple, everyday substances to create toxic poisons that could be used as weapons. MSNBC conducted tests from samples they have obtained from Sargat and found traces of ricin and botulism. Also found were chemical recipe cards. US Special Forces have found recipes for ricin and other toxins in camps in Northern Iraq.
.President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat Moved Iraqi WMD
March 2005: John Shaw, a former top Bush administration official has come forward with information that Russia helped move WMD from Iraq into Syria. Shaw's claims are based on contacts who have gained inside information, and his claims match US satellite photos that show extensive large-vehicle traffic crossing to and from the Iraq-Syria border before the US invasion of Iraq. A wide variety of sources uphold Shaw's claims--all discusses thoroughly within in this article. Russia is known to have supplied Iraq with toxic materials such a botulism, anthrax and smallpox...
Saddam Hussein's Defiance of U.N. Resolutions : Fact Sheet
Exclusive: Saddam Possessed WMD, Had Extensive Terror Ties -- 10/04/2004
Octover 2004: Iraqi intelligence documents, confisticated by US forces has been obtained by CNS News. 42 pages of those documents are posted online. Some of what the documents reveal incude: Saddam possessed gas masks and chemical suits, Saddam possessed poison gas that then is unaccounted for in his own records, Sadam allied with al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, terrorist training camps operated in Iraq. One haunting memo gives the directive to "hunt Americans". These documents have been throughly studied by experts, and as of yet have not been proven to be false..
Salman Pak - Iraq Special Weapons Facilities
Former Iraqi military officers have come forward with information about a secret terrorist training camp in Iraq called Salman Pak. Both Iraqis and non-Iraqis were trained to highjack planes and trains, plant explosives, sabotage, and commit assinations. Salman Pak was also a biological watfare research and storage facility. Research on Anthrax, Botulinum toxin, Clostridium, perfringens (gas gangrene), mycotoxins, aflatoxins, and Ricin was conducted at Salman Pak. Equiptment moving trucks and refridgerated trucks were also observed at Salman Pak previous to the 2003 invasion, suggesting agents were being either moved or hidden elsewhere....
Link About the Discovery of Salman Pak: -
April 2003: Captured fighters from Sudan, Egypt and Iraq lead US forces to Salman Pak..
.Secret bunkers held chemical weapons, says Iraqi exile - Iraq -
April 2004: A scientist who worked under Saddam's regime claims there are five secret storage bunkers around Baghdad, Basra and Tikrit which held chemical weapons. The bunkers are composed of multiple levels and are reinforced with concrete, Saddam has gone to great lengths to conceal these bunkers. In 1998, the scientist was convicted of plotting to remove Saddam from power, and sentanced to death. He escaped from Iraq and now lives in hiding in Australia...
Special forces find underground weapons base - War on Iraq -
April 2003:The Australian Defence Force says its special forces in Iraq have found more than 50 Soviet-made fighter jets, a chemical-proof bunker and a vast store of anti-aircraft guns and munitions at an Iraqi base west of Baghdad..
Telegraph News Troops find 'chemical weapons' near Basra
November 2004: Danish troops found 36 Russian-made bombs in a base near Basra, most were wrapped in plastic bags and were leaking, The bombs match the description of "special weapons" and have a range of five miles. A former Republican Guard colonel testifies that these weapons match what he was told are chemical weapons--so in essence, a witness is saying that Iraq had possesion of chemical weapons in 2002. The contents will be tested...
WorldNetDaily: U.S. finds buried mobile labs
April 2003: Near a weapons plant on the outskirts of Karbala, US troops discovered 11 mobile labs capable of biological and chemical used buried in the desert. Also confisticated, were numerous documents inside the labs (yet to be released). The kabs were clearly marked so they could be found, and yet kept hidden. The value of the equipment is an estimated $1 million dollars. Each lab measures 20 by 20 feet, and is versatile enough to be attached to a railway car or a trailer...
U.S. troops find signs of chemical readiness
April 2003: At a training facility (training for what?!?!) in Western Iraq, US forces found tabun, a prohibited nerve gas. As the troops advanced towards Baghdad, they found other signs that Iraq was actively engaging in the use of chemical weapons-at Iraq's largest military industrial complex antidotes for nerve agents were found, documents describing chemical warfare were found, and a white powder used in explosives was found. Evidence suggests that Iraq was preparing to engage in a chemical war....
WorldNetDaily: More chemical weapons in Iraq
October 2004: Intelligence coming forward reports a 122-mm Borak rocket warhead contained traces of sarin, US military commanders believe there is more to be found. Other projectiles found by the military have been found to have traces of sarin and mustard gas--and some of these chemicals are winding up in the hands of insurgents
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
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