Thursday, February 08, 2007

Army Corp Travelouge: Kurdistan


Engineer Update

Corps and partners work with proud people in northern Iraq
by Tom Clarkson, Gulf Region Division

A travelouge of Tom Clarkson flying out of Baghdad in March 2006 to Kurdistan to visit the US Army Corps of Engineers project sites in Kurdistan. The Army Corps assisted in reconstruction projects such as:
Public health clinics and hospitals
Water and wells
Electrical distribution and transmission
Projects to support restoring Iraq oil production
Security and justice projects (
Projects to restore Northern Iraq’s transportation and communication network
Military construction to support U.S. bases in the north

Clarkson also met Mosa Ali Bakir, who heads the Dahuk Governorate of In-country Displaced Persons and Refugees. Bakir offered words of gratitude, "I want to express my thanks to all of the United States – from the President to the most simple person – for the brave and historical decision for moving the Saddam regime from power. We highly respect those who left their countries and families for our freedom. They will stay bright names in the brains of all generations."

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