Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Support Danish Troops
My thoughts and prayers are with US and Coalition Troops. For the brave soldiers of Denmark, I support you. The rioting, boycotts, and violence directed at Danish troops over the infamous cartoons reflects nothing of your courage or your sacrifices or your hard work. If anything, the recent upheveal reflects that within the hearts and minds of these extremists is a darkness so deep that only God's redemption can penetrate it. As a Christian, I will continue to pray. As an American, I will continue to exercise my rights--and hope that freedom and democrcy will reach every oppressed nation. Liberty and Justice for ALL!
Danish Soldiers Play an Important Role in Assisting Coalition Troops and Iraqi Forces:
Assist Iraqi Army and Police in arresting criminals
Provide security to Coalition convoys moving through Iraq
Patrol villages (Most of the Danish troops are stationed in Basra)
Detonate and remove mines
Establish road blocks and monitor traffic
Provide medical assistance
Assist in the rebuilding of Basra
August 2003: Danish troops working alongside a Christian charity from Norway bring a water purification system to al Hallah. For the first time in years, the 1,500 villagers of al Hallah have been able to enjoy clean water. Before the purification system was installed, the villagers were forced to drink polluted water from the Tigris River. Danish troops working with the Norweigan Church Aid charity installed a water purification system in al Hallah that is capable of cleansing 20,000 cubic metres of water from the Tigris each day.
From : (8/18/20 03- Danish Troops Deliver Precious Gift to Iraqi Village)
January 2006- Danish troops with British troops and the Iraqi Army to capture terrorists operating in the Al Qurnah region. The operation would also seize weapons and stolen vehicles used in crimes. The operation was designed by the Iraqi Army and Police to create an environment more condusive to law and order.
Defence Internet Defence News Iraqi security forces have the lead in joint operation
For Thought: Isaiah 40: 26 (Good News Bible), "Look up at the sky! Who created the stars you see? The one who leads them out like an army, he knows how many there are and calls each one by name! His power is so great--not one of them is ever missing!"
For More Information:
DefenseLINK News: Bush Thanks Denmark for Troops, Pledges Iraq's Sovereignty
BBC NEWS Middle East Danes prepare for snow in Iraq
Denmark (08/05)
(Sign a petition to support free speech and Denmark, Link to wesbites where you can buy Danish products, Create your own banners using the Danish flag..and much more)
A salute to our gallant allies in Iraq
Support Denmark
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
2004: Lab of Death Found in Fallujah
Note: I am compiling information about the weapons found in Iraq, my hope is to create a "library" of information that will document the discoveries of what Saddam's arsenal contained.
2004- Soldiers Find Chemical Weapons in Fallujah Lab
On November 23, 2004 Coalition and Iraqi soldiers discover a laboratory in Falljuah that is used to produce chemical weapons, poisonous gas, and explosives. Training and research on chemical weapons was also being conducted at this lab. The chemical weapons lab found in Fallujah included instructions on how to manufacture toxins and explosives. In Washington, a US military official confirmed that the lab included instructions to produce anthrax, explosives and chemical blood agents such as cyanide.
When you look at the photos, you will see that the bags containing the chemical weapons are flimsy and are not secured. Some of the bags are transparent, and it appears that a substance is on the outside of the bag. One of the bags of potassium cyanide is marked "CHINA".A label is taped on the front with Islamic script. The bags were placed on shelves, some just sitting on top of each other. The lab does not look sterile or even very advanced. The "recipe book" for chemical weapons is decorated in a tropical theme with a bamboo decorated cover, and leaves going up the side..the writing on the "recipe book" reads "Natural Soft". All the recipes are hand written. Other materials found include blasting caps, switches to initiate explosives, beakers, instructions on how to work with chemical compositions and many chemicals including: ammonium nitrate, sulfuric acid, potassium and sodium cyanide, and brown bottles containing chemicals.
A banner of Abu Musab Zarkawi's terrorist group was also found in the lab.
My question-- The lab is reported to be under the control of "insurgents" when it is discovered. Did the insurgents have enough time, money, resources and connections to build such a sophisticated lab in such a short time--opertaing since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003? It seems to me that what makes more sense is that the insurgents took control of a chemical weapons lab that was abandoned by Saddam's regime.
And how did agents used to make chemical weapons get from China into Iraq?
Much love to the Iraqi and Coalition soldiers--we are so thankful for all of your hard work and efforts.
2004- Soldiers Find Chemical Weapons in Fallujah Lab
On November 23, 2004 Coalition and Iraqi soldiers discover a laboratory in Falljuah that is used to produce chemical weapons, poisonous gas, and explosives. Training and research on chemical weapons was also being conducted at this lab. The chemical weapons lab found in Fallujah included instructions on how to manufacture toxins and explosives. In Washington, a US military official confirmed that the lab included instructions to produce anthrax, explosives and chemical blood agents such as cyanide.
When you look at the photos, you will see that the bags containing the chemical weapons are flimsy and are not secured. Some of the bags are transparent, and it appears that a substance is on the outside of the bag. One of the bags of potassium cyanide is marked "CHINA".A label is taped on the front with Islamic script. The bags were placed on shelves, some just sitting on top of each other. The lab does not look sterile or even very advanced. The "recipe book" for chemical weapons is decorated in a tropical theme with a bamboo decorated cover, and leaves going up the side..the writing on the "recipe book" reads "Natural Soft". All the recipes are hand written. Other materials found include blasting caps, switches to initiate explosives, beakers, instructions on how to work with chemical compositions and many chemicals including: ammonium nitrate, sulfuric acid, potassium and sodium cyanide, and brown bottles containing chemicals.
A banner of Abu Musab Zarkawi's terrorist group was also found in the lab.
My question-- The lab is reported to be under the control of "insurgents" when it is discovered. Did the insurgents have enough time, money, resources and connections to build such a sophisticated lab in such a short time--opertaing since the invasion of Iraq in March 2003? It seems to me that what makes more sense is that the insurgents took control of a chemical weapons lab that was abandoned by Saddam's regime.
And how did agents used to make chemical weapons get from China into Iraq?
Much love to the Iraqi and Coalition soldiers--we are so thankful for all of your hard work and efforts.
Sources: Fallujah chemical weapons lab found
(Includes images of the lab that was "manufacturing death, intoxication and assassination"). - Iraqi forces find chemical materials in lab - Nov 25, 2004
(Fallujah Update: Multi-National Force Iraq, several pictures with this document)
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Online Tribute for Fallen Warrior
Cpl. Brett Lundstrom is described as being bright, likeable, and funny. After the September 11th terrorist attacks, Lundstrom saw a need to help, so he enlisted in the Marines in 2003. Lundstrom served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. He is described as to have "whole-heartedly served his country". Lundstrom was killed by small arms fire in Fallujah on January 7, 2006.
An online photo Tribute to Marine Lundstrom commerates his funeral on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Lundstrom, 22, was transported from a hearse and lifted onto a wagon that brought him to Little Wound School in Kyle, South Dakota for his wake. Mourners walked alongside the casket, some were carrying handmade quilts. Wake services were held at the Little Wound School for the next three days.
This photo tribute is a very touching tribute to Lundstrom and also offers a glimpse into the traditions of the Lakota. One of the pictures I will never forget shows an eagle feather resting in the hands of Lundstrom, who lies in his casket. All Lakota warriors recieve an eagle feather when they return home from war. The following picture shows the agonized faces of grieving friends and family members. Lundstrom will be buried at Fort Logan National Cemetary.
View the Online Photo Tribute for Cpl. Lundstrom:
Other Stories About Cpl. Lundstrom:
AP Wire 01/11/2006 South Dakota native killed in Iraq, DOD says
The Black Hills Pioneer, Newspapers, South Dakota, SD - Brooke Point graduate killed in Iraq took pride in Corps
An online photo Tribute to Marine Lundstrom commerates his funeral on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Lundstrom, 22, was transported from a hearse and lifted onto a wagon that brought him to Little Wound School in Kyle, South Dakota for his wake. Mourners walked alongside the casket, some were carrying handmade quilts. Wake services were held at the Little Wound School for the next three days.
This photo tribute is a very touching tribute to Lundstrom and also offers a glimpse into the traditions of the Lakota. One of the pictures I will never forget shows an eagle feather resting in the hands of Lundstrom, who lies in his casket. All Lakota warriors recieve an eagle feather when they return home from war. The following picture shows the agonized faces of grieving friends and family members. Lundstrom will be buried at Fort Logan National Cemetary.
View the Online Photo Tribute for Cpl. Lundstrom:
Other Stories About Cpl. Lundstrom:
AP Wire 01/11/2006 South Dakota native killed in Iraq, DOD says
The Black Hills Pioneer, Newspapers, South Dakota, SD - Brooke Point graduate killed in Iraq took pride in Corps
In the Lens: Photos from Robert Alt in Iraq
Robert Alt's photos are very stunning in their depth and candor. Some of what you will see includes: photos from the combat hospital, photos of the helicopters used to transport injured soldiers, rocket parts recovered from attacks, Chaplain Sizemore leading the 216th in prayer, unknown soldier memorial and much more...There are alot of photos on the site, so please be patient, may take a minute to download but it is deffinately worth the wait.
What you see in these photos is not a "failed" mission in Iraq but represents the best of America's strength and convictions, working through the efforts of our military and all those praying for their success.
For Thought:
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." -- A comment made by Winston Churchill to Ronnie Spector.
Photos by Robert Alt from Iraq:
No Left Turns: Photos from Robert Alt in Iraq
A Compelling Article by Robert Alt:
Media Incivility and Bias in Iraq by Robert Alt
Thanks Robert!
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