"There are no missiles that are contrary to the prescription of the United Nations in Iraq. They are no longer there.." --Translator for Saddam Hussein, interview with Dan Rather, Feb. 27, 2003.
By "coincedence" the Dan Rather interview with Saddam Hussein aired in Iraq on March 20, 2003--four days later, British troops from the Black Watch Regiment found hidden bunkers containing prohibited cruise missiles outside of Basra. The entrance to the bunker was decorated with pictures of none other than Saddam Hussein.
What is marked on the maps as the "Zubayr heliport" really is a complex of 22 reinforced underground bunkers, 48 arms storage sheds piled "floor to cieling" with hundreds of thouands of rounds of ammunition, mines, rocket-propelled grenades, detonators, and cruise missiles. One missile found was between 30 and 40 ft long. Two Russian made al-Harith missiles were found--which are long range missiles. Nine warheads were also found. It is believed Saddam's southern army abandoned the site. Some of the missiles were still in their crates, and had been stamped with the date 2002. Corporal Iain Robertson reports that the missiles were found when troops noticed children were breaking into the heliport--and upon closer inspection, Black Watch found the doors to the bunker wide open. Also found was leaflets on the floor, dropped from the Coalition, urging Saddam's army to surrender. Questions remain as to how Saddam obtained these weapons--some have come from Russia and Britain--and how he obtained the money to pay for this (Oil for Food?). However, there is no question about the bravery and hard work of our troops. Excellent work Black Watch Regiment, we support you!
For More Information on this Story:
Guardian Unlimited Special reports Troops find hidden Iraqi cruise missiles http://www.guardian.co.uk/military/story/0,11816,920653,00.html
Shipping, shipbuilding, offshore news
Saddam Hussein has violated more than 17 UN Resolutions from 1990-2002, and has refused to disarm. Saddam Hussein was removed from power to offer stability, and peace to the region--and to the world. A vital role US and Coalition soldiers are doing in Iraq is to find weapons, document Saddam's weapons programs, and destroy those weapons so they don't wind up in the hands of terrorists. Please pray for our troops.
CBS News Saddam Interview Airs In Iraq March 20, 2003 09:31:46
Exposed: Saddam's Prohibited Missiles and Support of al-Qaeda Terrorism
Guardian Unlimited Special reports Troops find hidden Iraqi cruise missiles http://www.guardian.co.uk/military/story/0,11816,920653,00.html
RESOLUTION 687 (1991) Adopted by the Security Council at its 2981st meeting, on 3 April 1991
Saddam Hussein's Defiance of U.N. Resolutions : Fact Sheet
Shipping, shipbuilding, offshore news
Saturday, December 31, 2005
2003- Iraqi Civilians Lead Soldiers to Chemical Compound Near Karbala
In April 2003, a small group of Iraqi civilians lead the soldiers of Company D, 2nd Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment to an Iraqi training camp near Karbala. Once near the camp, an expert detected what he thought was nerve gas and sounded the alarm. The gas detected was later found to be tear gas. Upon closer inspection, Company D found a cache of weapons including: AK-47s, rocket propelled grenades, French-made grenades, ammunition, rifle scopes, training manuels and two anti-aircraft weapons. The site also included a sound-proof indoor firing range. All weapons were destroyed. Rocket-propelled grenades and AK-47s have been used by insurgent thugs in attacks against US and Coalition troops. Temperatures reached 102 degrees on this day, and to boost morale, Company D was treated with a decontamination shower. Good job Company D--we are cheering you on at home, and praying for all of you.
Thanks to our soldiers! Thanks to the brave people of Iraq who are assisting the troops, and providing vital support!
Read the full article at Army Link News:
101st soldiers find chemical compound in Iraq
Some Background Information:
UN security resolutions required that Saddam Hussein stop the support of terrorism
Resolutions also required the following:
Saddam was to prevent terrorist operations in Iraq
Saddam was not to develop new weapons of mass destruction
Saddam must fully declare WMD programs
Ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 km are prohibited
May 1991 UN Resolution 687, Iraq declared it has no weapon grade materials--which has since proven to be a lie
Security Council Resolutions Concerning Iraq
UNSCR 687 - April 3, 1991
Iraq must "unconditionally accept" the destruction, removal or rendering harmless "under international supervision" of all "chemical and biological weapons and all stocks of agents and all related subsystems and components and all research, development, support and manufacturing facilities."
Thanks to our soldiers! Thanks to the brave people of Iraq who are assisting the troops, and providing vital support!
Read the full article at Army Link News:
101st soldiers find chemical compound in Iraq
Some Background Information:
UN security resolutions required that Saddam Hussein stop the support of terrorism
Resolutions also required the following:
Saddam was to prevent terrorist operations in Iraq
Saddam was not to develop new weapons of mass destruction
Saddam must fully declare WMD programs
Ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 km are prohibited
May 1991 UN Resolution 687, Iraq declared it has no weapon grade materials--which has since proven to be a lie
Security Council Resolutions Concerning Iraq
UNSCR 687 - April 3, 1991
Iraq must "unconditionally accept" the destruction, removal or rendering harmless "under international supervision" of all "chemical and biological weapons and all stocks of agents and all related subsystems and components and all research, development, support and manufacturing facilities."
2005: The Gift of Healing -- US Soldiers Build "Arm Cycle" for Disabled Iraqi Man
2005: In a rural area near Baghdad, the soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry often visit a small village. The soldiers have informally named this village "Estradaville" in honor of a fellow soldier who was murdered while on leave. The soldiers of the 184th Infantry are known for acts of charity and compassion--so much so that they have struck up a friendship with many of the Iraqis that they encounter, and are well liked in "Estradaville."
One example of the compassion the 184th Infantry has shown is using their skills and resources to build an "arm cycle" for a disabled Iraqi man named Mohammed. The battalion's Command Sgt. Maj. Edgardo Coronado admired how hard Mohammed worked to provide for his family, and when his wheelchair broke Coronado took the initiative to help Mohammed. Several soldiers volunteered their time and efforts in the project, including U.S. Army Sgt. Edward Dominguez who designed the "arm cycle". The "arm cycle" was built out of scrap metal and donated bicycle parts. The "arm cycle" took three months to build, the time dedicated to its creation was volunteer time, which the soldiers were happy to do. Mohammed was so thankful for the help of the soldiers, that he now calls Dominguez "brother".
Read the full story at Defend America News:
Headline U.S. Soldiers Bring Wheels to Iraqi Man - DefendAmerica News Article
By U.S. Army Spc. Dan Balda4th Brigade Combat Team
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Dec. 23, 2005
One example of the compassion the 184th Infantry has shown is using their skills and resources to build an "arm cycle" for a disabled Iraqi man named Mohammed. The battalion's Command Sgt. Maj. Edgardo Coronado admired how hard Mohammed worked to provide for his family, and when his wheelchair broke Coronado took the initiative to help Mohammed. Several soldiers volunteered their time and efforts in the project, including U.S. Army Sgt. Edward Dominguez who designed the "arm cycle". The "arm cycle" was built out of scrap metal and donated bicycle parts. The "arm cycle" took three months to build, the time dedicated to its creation was volunteer time, which the soldiers were happy to do. Mohammed was so thankful for the help of the soldiers, that he now calls Dominguez "brother".
Read the full story at Defend America News:
Headline U.S. Soldiers Bring Wheels to Iraqi Man - DefendAmerica News Article
By U.S. Army Spc. Dan Balda4th Brigade Combat Team
BAGHDAD, Iraq, Dec. 23, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
Milestone for Iraqi Security Forces

Another accomplishment to note is the PortAl Iraq wesbite, who is reporting the story below. You can link To PortAl Iraq for the latest developments in Iraqi business news, to submit a job ad, network with others and find job opportunities. PortAl is a beginning in uncensored news and information being offered to a worldwide audience from Iraq.
Under the regime of Saddam Hussein, the internet was government controlled and government owned except in Kurdish territories. Saddam's regime charged a hefty fee to access the internet. It was common for a user to be interrogated before logging onto the internet, and denied use if that person looked suspicious. Once a user was logged on, only a few state approved sites could be visited (all else was blocked) and e-mail had to be approved by a censorship department before it could be sent. The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (Iraq A look behind bars, link) reports that," Due to the many prohibitions and conditions set in place by the former Iraqi regime, Iraq was ranked 17th or 18th amongst the Arab states in the efficiency of its Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector.." Developments of businesss, communication, and technology have all improved since Saddam has been removed from power. The Iraqi people need our support as they continue to rebuild their country, and their lives.
Iraqi Security Forces reaches milestone
Monday, October 24th 2005
The effort to train, equip and mentor Iraq’s security forces hit a milestone recently, with the number of men and women serving in uniform stretching past 200,000, according to Multi-National Security Transition Command - Iraq.
Currently the Iraqi Ministry of Interior has 106,112 personnel serving as part of security forces. The Ministry of Defense has 93,959 service members in the military.There are now more than 60,000 additional Iraqi security forces available than there were for the January election.Since the effort to rebuild the country’s forces began about 15 months ago, more than 115 special police and army combat battalions have been formed as well as regular police, border enforcement and highway patrol for the Ministry of Interior and motor transport regiments, Navy, Air Forces and numerous training organizations for the Ministry of Defense. The majority of those combat battalions are fighting side-by-side Coalition forces and several dozen are already taking the lead in operations, officials said.
Iraq A look behind bars
Iraqi Security Forces reaches milestone
Link- Good News from Iraq
Operation Iraqi Children: Good News From Iraq
This is an excellent website, hosted by Linda Vester of Fox News, which compiles stories, pictures, and testimony of the wonderful work US and Coalition troops are doing in Iraq.
Thought to Ponder-- "Perhaps we are all angels..and we do not know?", Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal.
This is an excellent website, hosted by Linda Vester of Fox News, which compiles stories, pictures, and testimony of the wonderful work US and Coalition troops are doing in Iraq.
Thought to Ponder-- "Perhaps we are all angels..and we do not know?", Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal.
Compassion at Abu Ghraib-Precious Baby Tabby
About a year ago, I saw this beautiful baby on Fox news... there were hemangioma (protruding blood clots) on both sides of her face and neck. The hemangiomas were so large they would eventually cut off her breathing. The hemangiomas are purple and red, with bumps and craters, at least as large as a size 13 men's shoe. This child was not only severely disfigured but facing death. The child's father brought his daughter to Abu Gharaib prison to beg US troops for help. Keep in mind that by going to US troops for help the family faced revenge attacks, since the terrorists in Iraq kill and torture anyone who associates with Coalition troops. So this is a very brave father. Through the help of US soldiers, the child was put in touch with doctors and charity organizations that offered to pay for surgery in the US...at no cost. What an act of love.
Fox News -- Iraqi Dad Takes Baby to U.S. for Surgery
"The Marines put their hearts and souls in this," said Dr. Charles Tripoli, who with his wife is acting as a host family to father and child. "We also want to show our solidarity with the Iraqi people." Tabby's dad had to leave his wife and two other children in Iraq to make the trip. Though he's concerned for their safety, he realizes this is the last chance for his baby girl. "The most important thing for me is my daughter," said the father. "I would sacrifice everything for her."
- Iraqi Dad Takes Baby to U.S. for Surgery
Help Save Baby "Tabby" from Iraq.
The Marines first found Baby Tabby at the infamous Abu Ghraib Prison. Despite considerable odds, they were able to get her to the US for treatment. The photos show the dramatic improvement in her face and neck, but doctors also repaired the hole in her heart, and she is now growing and able to play and smile!
The main part of the surgery is finished, and now that she is back home in Iraq, there is still more work to be done to finish removing some small tumors from her face.
UPDATE: FEBRUARY 2005: Baby Tabby went back to Iraq and is doing fine!
Fox News -- Iraqi Dad Takes Baby to U.S. for Surgery
"The Marines put their hearts and souls in this," said Dr. Charles Tripoli, who with his wife is acting as a host family to father and child. "We also want to show our solidarity with the Iraqi people." Tabby's dad had to leave his wife and two other children in Iraq to make the trip. Though he's concerned for their safety, he realizes this is the last chance for his baby girl. "The most important thing for me is my daughter," said the father. "I would sacrifice everything for her."
- Iraqi Dad Takes Baby to U.S. for Surgery
Help Save Baby "Tabby" from Iraq.
The Marines first found Baby Tabby at the infamous Abu Ghraib Prison. Despite considerable odds, they were able to get her to the US for treatment. The photos show the dramatic improvement in her face and neck, but doctors also repaired the hole in her heart, and she is now growing and able to play and smile!
The main part of the surgery is finished, and now that she is back home in Iraq, there is still more work to be done to finish removing some small tumors from her face.
UPDATE: FEBRUARY 2005: Baby Tabby went back to Iraq and is doing fine!
Iraqi Baby to Receive Life Saving Surgery in US

Iraqi Baby Heads to United States for Surgery
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, May 19, 2004 -- An 8-month-old Iraqi girl has a new lease on life, thanks to U.S. officials on both sides of the Atlantic who cut through mounds of red tape to set up surgery for a life-threatening birth defect.
Fatemah Hassan and her 21-year-old mother, Baday Amir Abdel-Jabar, boarded a military aircraft May 18 en route to Germany. After a brief layover, they'll continue on to Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, for the surgery.
Without surgery, officials feared the baby girl would die from a cavernous hemangioma, an abnormal growth of a blood vessel on the right side of her face and neck. Fatemah's mother and the baby's father, Khaleel, sought help from U.S. soldiers deployed near their hometown of Mandali, not far from the Iranian border.
Lt. Col. Todd Fredricks, a West Virginia Army National Guard member with the 1st Battalion, 150th Armor, contacted people he knows with Ohio State University at Children's Hospital in Columbus. After seeing Fatemah at the Rough Rider clinic, Fredricks worked with the Iraqi Ministry of Defense in Baghdad and the Coalition Provisional Authority to seek medical attention back in the United States for the baby. West Virginia Sen. Jay Rockefeller's office also provided assistance. Dr. Gayle Gordillo, a pediatric plastic and reconstructive surgeon at the hospital, persuaded the medical facility's board of directors to waive all costs for Fatemah's surgery. Gordillo is slated to remove the birth defect and perform the reconstructive surgery.
(Based on a release from Multinational Force Iraq.)
DefenseLINK News: Iraqi Baby Heads to United States for Surgery
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